Circumstances: Johnny MacTavish

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It was already 7h00 pm in Manchester. Raining non-stop, the chilly weather was worsening while Mactavish and I were looking for a quick shelter. The awning of a bakery shop was the chosen place to squeeze ourselves under it.

- My bad, lassie... I'on have a car. Shit, I wasn't even expectin' this hell... It's pishin' it doon out here!

- This country feels eternally damped or soaked. I still don't know why I'm still living here.

- Are ye not from here, lassie?

- Not at all. - I looked at Johnny, he seemed genuinely curious. - I'm Brazilian. My father fell in love while on vacation and the rest is story.

- Oh, ye a tropical lassie... I suspected as much, ye features are too nice and fancy to be pure britt!

I was a mixture of embarrassed and flattered and my only response to his comment was to cover my face with my jacket sleeves. I didn't care that they were wet and cold; I just wanted to calm down and don't make a fool of myself.
MacTavish chuckled to my flustered reaction and leaned a bit to try to pull my hands out of my face.

- Oi, don't hide your cutie face! - he was laughing, enjoying my reaction.

-I'm sorry... I just don't get compliments often, okay!? - I wanted to hide, but the compliment also felt nice. I was suspecting he was trying to flirt with me... I guess.

Suddenly a loud vibration from someone's phone was heard. Johnny immediately stopped and checked the side pocket on his jeans, pulling a next generation android phone in a heavy-duty case. He lifted his finger signaling me to stay put.

- MacTavish speaking.

- Why are you frolicking around with a civilian girl, MacTavish?!?

- Thank ye for the welcome, LT! - Johnny was rolling his eyes, frustrated. - And how do you know?!?

- Binoculars. And I told you to wait for my call so you could come here without raising suspicion! So much for discretion!

- Aaah, my bad, LT. Won't happen again.

- What are you going to do with the girl? - the deep brass voice on the phone was cold.

- She needs some protection; a creep lad was chasing her.

- Hm. - a long pause happened, Johnny glanced at me, expecting a nice response from his contact. - Bloody hell, MacTavish... Bring the girl here. We will discuss her status.

The call abruptly ended, but Johnny didn't flinch or seemed to care. How the person knew about me...? I looked at him confused, but he just gave me a quick reassuring grin. He put the phone back in his pocket and turned to my direction with a smile:

- Oi, that was very positive answer!

- It was...?

- Indeed, it was!

- So, shall we go? - I was feeling uneasy with the whole situation. - The rain won't stop anytime soon...

-Eh, ye right in that. Let's get going, we will get settled once we get there.

We both briefly looked up the cloudy sky and kept walking. Johnny extended his hand to me; I felt my face heat up. I timidly reached out and we fast paced under the rain.

- How long ye been in here?

- What you mean? - I was spacing out.

- in UK. How long ye been here?

- Oh, it's been a while. - I tried to make the math in my head. - I guess almost 6 years. And you?

- Nah, I'm Scottish all the way! - he chuckled. - Just staying here for the week and then straight back to work.

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