Bravo Zero-Nine.

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I woke up to a loud commotion; my eyes took a while to focus. Johnny was lying on his assigned bed completely passed out, being attended by the military medic. What just happened...?!?

- Doc...?

- Apologies for hindering your rest, operative!

- What happened to Soap? - I got up sensing the worst.

- An altercation happened between Lieutenant Ghost and Sargeant Soap, and it ended up with him being rendered unconscious right after a head concussion.

- Altercation?!? Oh my God...!

I rushed to the living room, expecting a disaster. I knew Ghost was angry, but to the point of hurting Johnny and risking a dishonorable discharge? That was too far!

As soon as I reached the area, Mr. Price was arguing furiously with Ghost; that was being held by Gaz and Keegan. I felt so bad seeing the whole debacle unfolding that I had to take a moment to recollect my feelings.

- Captain Price...?

- Elise! What are you doing here, kiddo?!?

- I just woke up with Soap being cared by the medic... He told me that a fight happened...

- I've hurt your recycled boyfriend, that's what happened! - Ghost was blind with rage.

- SHUT YOUR MOUTH, SIMON!!! - Mr. Price was angry. - I already told ya that I misjudged what they had for each other; you didn't have to knock him out!

- BOLLOCKS! You knew MacTavish's intentions! You could've have assigned Kyle or Keegan; but no! You went straight on the real problem! YOU BLOODY WANKER!

Another fight was about to explode because of me, and I had to intervene it. I've messed up their lives long enough. I needed to put a stop right in that instant.

- Did anybody asked me what really happened? Because all of you only jumped into conclusions so far!

- Elise is right! - Gaz sighed in relief. - That could shed some light on this predicament! Please tell us your side of this, Elise!

Ghost's gaze was cold and murderous. He was so hurt by the whole situation that I was pretty sure that he wasn't being Ghost anymore; he was entirely being Simon Riley himself: the sensitive, borderline passionate and grudge holder Simon that I knew well.
I've caustiously sat down on the dining chair, my legs got restless out of nervousness. I took a deep breath and timidly started.

- I had no idea that Johnny would be my... My caretaker for the night; I was fully disoriented from the concussion and a bit drugged with pain killers.

- My apologies for that, kiddo. I should've notified you.

I nodded in reassurance to Mr. Price and proceeded:

- The whole time I wasn't thinking straight, and Johnny did his best to keep every situation respectful, because he knew I wasn't okay. I was the one pushing his limits out of recklessness.

- ... ... - Ghost was staring at me, keeping a heavy breathing.

- I was scared, in pain and feeling guilty. I nearly killed Ghost and myself because I didn't know any better. Johnny tried to comfort me without taking advantage of the situation. We shared a bed because I didn't want to be by myself with my nightmares.

- And all that happened because she and Soap shared a bed?!? C'mon, man! - Keegan was annoyed.

- Shut the fuck up, Keegan.

- Fuck off, Ghost! You overreacted on her and especially on all of us! Take some accountability here!

- So that's what really happened, kiddo? - Mr. Price lighten up a cigar, trying to calm himself down.

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