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Our off-duty 'honey moon' only lasted a week and a half; me and Ghost were called back by the Task Force HQ. I was feeling more confident on myself, and having Ghost by my side made it even better. At the Northeast helipad, Mr. Price and Gaz were already waiting for us. He walked towards me carring a smile and a cigar in his mouth, with open arms. I couldn't hold my happiness seeing him.

- Hey, kiddo! How is it going, eh?

- Hi, dad! - I hugged him tightly.

- Good to see you, Simon!

- Hey Price.

- Did you both rested? Because we have a lot to discuss and plan at the base.

- What's the status? - Ghost was already on his military mood.

- According to the initial info, we will be heading to Mexico. Their Special Forces needs our help.

- Has nothing else been disclosed?

- Nothing. - Mr. Price buffed his cigar smoke up to the air. - Laswell will be briefing us about it.

Ghost nodded and waited for me to get to the chopper. I walked by his side and we hopped together; he sat next to me while I was buckling the safety belt.

- Need help?

- I'm fine, bab~ I mean, Ghost. Thank you, though. - I almost slipped up bad.

I glanced at Mr. Price, he chuckled while shaking his head. My face was burning. I side eyed Gaz, and he was trying to hold a laughter. What a way to start your first day as an operator... I had to put my pride on and crossed my arms, staring at the horizon. If I looked at anyone, I would've die of embarrassment.

At the base, we headed straight up to the conference room, while other operators at the base carried our duffel bags to our barracks. Besides Mrs. Laswell, a man in his sixties was being an overbearing douchebag at her. Something in me didn't click with his demeanor and I felt annoyed right off the bat.

- There she is, General Sheperd. His daughter in person. - Mrs. Laswell nodded at my direction, handing to the man a folder with my picture attached to it.

He looked at me up and down with a condescending expression. I fixed my posture and saluted him. He was definitely a higher-up.

- So you are Major St. John's daughter?

- Assistant Operative Annelise St. John-Torres, sir.

- Dismissed. - he pointed me a chair. - Sit down.

I immediately sat down facing Mrs. Laswell and Mr. Sheperd. He was still checking the folder, reading whatever was in there.
Ghost stood right behind my seat, while Gaz and Mr. Price sat down. Soap and Keegan was there as well. The tension in the room was almost palpable.

- According to your file, you've graduated in a military-issued school in Brazil. And your performance reports in the base are satisfactory, to say the least. - Mr. Sheperd was browsing the folder with weird interest.

- We don't expect her to be active in the field, sir. - Mr. Price intervened. - She must go through other evaluations just to be sure.

- The operators present in this room will be deployed in Mexico to break the terrorist negotiations with the Cartel. - Mr. Sheperd was adamant. - Colonel Alejandro Vargas will be hosting your arrival and aiding with anything deemed as necessary.

Everyone glanced at each other with serious concern in their expression. I was still intently staring at Sheperd. Something within me was screaming "he's trouble".
The briefing went on, and I barely paid attention to it, although I heard everything. Sheperd was bothering me deeply. As soon as we got dismissed, Sheperd finally decided to confront me; I wasn't okay.

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