Getting Away With Murder.

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⚠️Smut Alert! 🍆💦

I was instructed to go through some check-up appointments while deployed and to pick up my meds from the Regiment Hospital pharmacy. Although everybody liked to have me around, they didn't cut any slack whatsoever; the equal treatment remained the same. To me that was a huge relief, because I didn't want to be seen as a sugar princess nor didn't want to live under my father's shadow. No privileges acquired, all efforts made.

My favorite hours of the day were almost my daily routine: shooting range with Gaz, meal times with König and spend the night with Ghost. I looked forward for these parts of the day like a child on Christmas, because they were the times where I could be myself.

Gaz was a very patient operator; always explaining every spec of a gun so I could be sure of what I'm doing even in extreme occasions, and he valued me a lot as a friend. We shared music often, and his taste in R&B was impressive!
One day he admitted that when he first met me, he didn't put so much faith in me but I was proving to be more reliable with time.
He's always dying of embarassment with Mr. Price telling crude jokes to me. He often forgot I was a biological daughter of a soldier, so I never took those jokes personally. He kept being apologetic on Mr. Price's behalf.

König was always maintaining the big brother energy around me. He never tolerated weird comments towards me from other soldiers or any kind of attitude that he considered as "disrespectful". I was still finding scary the easiness that he had to switch temperament. But aside from that he was caring, chatty and bubbly. A true gentle giant in all its glory.
His patience to teach me austrian german was surprising. Although his anxiety was constantly trying to get the best of him, he was always putting in the effort. We were both learning coping mechanisms to overcome any imminent panic attack.

At bedtime, I rushed to be with Ghost.
Since he wanted to keep our relationship a secret, it was pretty common to see some people getting suspicious of our behavior by the evening. The funniest moment from this whole ordeal was when Sargeant Keegan almost caught Ghost caressing my lower back under the shirt while the team was watching a tactical demonstration. I couldn't help myself but laugh at the situation later.

Ghost on the other hand was slightly flustered and definitely annoyed; he liked to touch me whenever he had the chance and Keegan got that ruined for him. The result of that slip up: Ghost became paranoid about it and has been avoiding being near me around the base unless it was inevitable. We have been staring at each other like creeps throughout the base during the day. We only avoided that behavior while near Mr. Price, because he would pick up pretty fast on what was going on.

I was taking a well deserving shower after a long day walking all around the base when I heard the sliding door open and shut. That could mean one thing: Ghost. I got out of the shower wearing a black tank top and a booty shorts. His eyes were studying every detail on my body. It was arousing to see him using his self control while we were alone.

- Good evening, sir!

- Evening, sweetie.

- Did you missed me? Because I missed you. - I gently strolled my fingers on his tattooed arm.

- Oh, you missed me? - he was following my fingers with his eyes until he grabbed my wrists.

- Yes, I did missed you. The whole day.

- Good girl... And yeah, I missed you too.

He crossed my wrists behind me and held it with one hand, while with the other he lifted the balaclava halfway to kiss me. I was never tired of seeing him doing that; it was my nightly reward.
He had let go of my wrists and slowly groped my hips; lifted me through my thighs. I crossed my legs tightly behind him just to feel him get hard. He was letting some sexy groans escape, his squeezes on my butt cheeks were the biggest indicators of how horny he was.
I smiled while making out with him as soon as I felt his massive dick poke me right in the entrance. The pulsating bulge wanting to escape the boxer and sweatpants were my delight. His kisses were becoming more urgent when he pressed his crotch against me. Feeling him through the clothing was making me wet.

- You're smelling so fucking good tonight...

- You like it? I'm all yours, big guy... We can go rough or nice, your choice...

- I like the sound of that...

A malicious smirk grew on Ghost; he had dimples that were camouflaged under his scars. I loved seeing him like that; free of his restrictions, doing what he desired without being judged for it.
He was giving light kisses on the crook of my neck, his hands strolling my body and reaching out my shorts. He noticed I wasn't wearing panties. I felt his fingers sliding in, I arched while a loud moan escaped from my mouth. He chuckled.

- I'm having easy access tonight?

- Hmmm...! Fuck me already, Simon...! Please!

- You know what happens when you say my name, yes...?

I answered by pulling him closer by the dog tag, nibbling his lower lip in the most teasing way possible. He shivered in excitement; letting out a sexy groan, nearly drooling. Ghost was completely taken by his instincts. He growled while looking into my eyes.
He carried me all the way to bed and laid me down gently, but he immediately ripped my shorts apart with his bare hands.

He pulled down his boxer and sweatpants, and his cock pointed up dripping with precum. I salivated; I wanted to lick it off the tip, put him in my mouth, feel every vein pumping on my tongue... My pussy was throbbing, I was struggling to keep the legs from spreading further. He lifted my tank top and groped my breasts, teasing me even more.

- I'll be gentle, as always...

- You're a terrible liar... You know I want it rough...!

- Good girl... I want you to take it all.

He leaned over my body to kiss me while going in. I felt the tip sliding in slowly, making my skin crawl in pleasure. I was gripping the bed sheets, knowing pretty well what was about to come in next. He got ahold of one of my legs and lifted up, putting over his shoulder.

- Here you go, sweetie... You got this. It's nothing yet... Alright, breathe... Ngh!!!

My body arched up. My skin crawled from my toe up to my scalp out of pure ecstasy... A loud moan was all it came out of my mouth. He took every space inside my pussy; I could feel his whole shaft invading me. We were breathless, all sensitive in the best way possible. He was trying not to move, waiting for me.

- It feels... So good...! Don't you dare... To stop, Simon...!

- Good girl... My sweet fucking girl...! - he started moving, and the first thrust was brutal.

He liked to hit slow but hard. He knew how big his dick was and didn't want to hurt me with speed. The cadence of his thrusts were making my head spin; I never wanted to get out of that 'dick high'.
I was nearly rolling my eyes back, and he gently grabbed my face, gradually speeding up as I was getting wetter and the thrusts were getting even more sloppy and noisy. His moans were music to my ears.

-Hey, look at me... I said look at me... Don't you dare look away now...

- I want it all, Simon... Tear me apart, babe...!

- My sweet girl... Fuck yes, I will...! - he started to speed up.

The friction of the thrust was making me throb and suck him up. His groans were getting louder, his head tilting back, his breathing was getting erratic. Ghost was sequeezing my thighs; he then suddenly got bold and slapped my butt, I was nearly shaking in excitement. We were about to explode.

- Oh, fuck... Here it comes, sweetie...!

- Faster, Simon... You're hitting the spot... I think I'm gonna...! AAAHN, SIMON!!!

- Fuck...!

I felt the cum load fill me up; a warm shot running up inside me. Ghost was all sweaty, his heart was racing; he had his head tilted backwards, as he was enjoying the high of his orgasm. I still could feel him throbbing.
When he finally came back to his senses he love bit me in the thigh before pulling the balaclava back down. He gently put my leg down and let his body weight over mine. He was a heavy man, but I wasn't complaining. Apparently he was exhausted, so he got sleepy onto me. But then something that escaped from his mouth made my eyes widen.

-... I love you, sweetie.

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