No Return.

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⚠️Graphic Smut Alert! 🍆

Ghost and Soap were on a field mission while I was learning the ropes around the base. Mrs. Laswell was a very fast-paced woman, but was kind enough to repeat the explanation in case I missed it. König was making me company most of the times, showing me the pathways and hidden places too. He even had the trouble to draw some maps so I could use them when he wasn't around, until one day Mrs. Laswell noticed them on my folder and sent to my email the blueprint map of the building.

I was feeling very comfortable around the base, although it wasn't exactly the coziest place ever. I felt like I belonged to the military life. I missed Johnny's sneaky visits to my barrack; sometimes I was the one hiding myself into his. But with him away in mission, all I could do was to yearn for his return. I missed his playfulness.
During the dinner time, König has sat next to me at the cafeteria, bringing extra food. He handed some portion to me.

- Here! Don't you dare to starve, ja?

- Thank you, König! - I chuckled at his big brother behavior. - You're being so nice to me all these weeks... I hope it's not because Captain Price told you to be.

- Nein, Lieber Freund! - he raised his hands in negation. - It's simply because you were nice to me first! It's hard to have a true friend nowadays, especially outside the army.

- But you seem so chill, I like to hang out with you. It's weird that anyone wouldn't want to have you as a friend, though.

- Yes, well... It's because I don't trust people enough to get closer... I get very nervous in public and end up acting out. - he was fidgety. - And my size don't help either.

- Understandable. - I got a spoonful of the stew. - Can I be honest with you?

- S-sure! Go ahead!

- Back in Manchester, I couldn't believe in my eyes when Captain Price introduced you to me... A giant guy; strong enough to split my spine in half, with a hood mask... I got a little scared at the time. But just a little.

- Really...?!? I'm so s-sorry I scared you! - he got worked up, worried about me.

- It's okay, believe me. It happens, it's normal. But seeing you interacting with people made me realize how great of a guy you are. You're just scared to get hurt, and I understand that. You're my friend, König. You've been the big brother I never had.

- I, I... I don't know what to say...!!!

- No need to. Just be you, it's more than enough.

- Danke, dass du etwas so Schönes gesagt hast, mein lieber Freund! - his voice broke a bit, he was clearly feeling emotional. - Can I see you as a sister too...?

- Of course! I'd love to! - I hugged his arm, he flinched.

- I have Eine Kleine Schwester... I have a sister!

König was all giddy and excited with the new level of our friendship. To me it was a comfort to have him around, I was hoping to hang around more often. I missed Ghost and Johnny, but I was there to be part of the Team above all things, and have a trustworthy friend was important.

Suddenly an alarm blared, and half of the people at the cafeteria got up and rushed to somewhere. König got up as well.

- Come with us, Kleine Schwester! The Lieutenant Ghost's task team is back to the base!

My eyes widened upon hearing that, and I promptly rushed with König to see them arrive.
I was wondering if everything was okay... Better saying; if they came back alive. My heart was pounding out of excitement and fear.

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