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Fuck. Why can't I stop thinking about her? She put me in fucking prison. I should hate her. So why don't I?

I groaned at my inner thoughts, as I laid on my cot. Honestly I'm glad I rarely get cold. This place is freezing for the normal person. Thank god for my ungodly amount of body heat.

"You have a visitor."

I looked over at the guard and climbed off of my cot with a deep grumble.  He opened my cell door and I followed him out. Not saying anything. I followed him the long distance to the visiting room in utter silence.

I went to see the guard at the table. Showing him my inmate id badge and getting my search done. I was led through another set of doors which allowed me to be in the actual visitation room.

A completely open space. I walked up to the next desk. Presenting my Id yet again.

"Table 18."

I nodded my head at the guard and I walked over. Gus was already sitting down. I looked over and Sebastian was at the vending machines. Getting food, and pop.

When he came back he set everything down.

"Okay so I got you a root beer and the pulled pork sandwich. We have a shit load of money though so whatever you want I can go grab."

I nodded my head at Sebastian. Then I looked at gus.

"Why are you here?" I asked in a clipped tone.

Gus swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck. Clearly uncomfortable.

"Uhm to talk to you. About Winter. She seen us today, and pissed was the understatement."

I took a bite of the sandwich and sighed heavily. My eyes fixed on Gus.

"What did she say?" I asked with no expression showing. However inside my heart was beating wildly.

Gus looked as if he didn't want to tell me. Which made me even more curious.

"Gus?" I asked in a clipped tone.

Gus let out a breath and swallowed again. "That the last people who pissed her off was in prison. Ask my boss. She told us to leave her the fuck alone. To pretty much tell you to go fuck yourself and that doesn't want or need you or the protection you put on her."

God smart ass bitch. Her and that fucking mouth of hers is gonna get her into a lot of trouble one day.

I sighed and finished my sandwich. Letting my inner thoughts invade my head.

"Leave her alone. Let her be. Everyone leave her be. I thought by now she would have forgiven me. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to kill her for her betrayal."

I looked off into space for a moment. However when Sebastian said what he said next, it got my attention.

"She still hasn't talked to her family. She's seen all of us a few times but she acts as if she's never met us. Except for the one day I chased her down."

She still hasn't forgiven her family or Kira? Fuck! We really did hurt her.

"Gus go get me the wings, chicken sandwich, rib sandwich and the cheesecake."

Gus looked over and nodded his head. When he was away from Sebastian and I is when I spoke.

"What happened?"

Sebastian looked at me raising his eyebrows. He shook his head lightly as he ran a hand through his hair.

"She asked me why we did it. Why we would do something like that to her or to anyone. Why we didn't tell her. That we made her look like an idiot."

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