Thirty- five

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I had been knocking on the door for a few minutes now.

"Maybe she forgot?"

I shook my head at Alister's words.

No she didn't forget. She never forgets anything. She knows I was coming over today. I told her that. So why won't she open the door?

I sighed heavily and I grabbed my knife. Hitting the button that opened the knife. The sound was harsh in the quiet empty hallway. I got busy picking the lock.

When the lock finally clicked I smiled. I put my knife away and I opened the door. Opening it slowly and carefully. When the apartment came into view, my jaw immediately tightened.

The apartment was empty. Completely fucking empty. All that was left was a piece of paper on the counter.

Dear Maddox,
       I knew you would be the one to figure it out. I know your never going to let me go. So I had to make sure you do. That you can. I can't do this. Not again. It nearly destroyed me last time. You nearly destroyed me last time. I just can't handle it again.
       I won't put my daughter in danger because I'm who you want. I'm sorry, but when I got pregnant. I made her a promise. That know matter what, she would always come first. That's what I'm doing. Keeping her safe.
    Keeping her in the dark of the violence, the lies, the criminals, all of it. I can't let her get hurt the way I did. I know you love me Maddox, and I know she's your daughter. However I'm all she knows. You wasn't here. You only met her yesterday.
       After you and your men broke in. Scaring her. I can't put her in danger. I can't put her in the line of fire, that I know eventually will come. It always does. I'm so sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me for this. I hope one day I can forgive you.
      But for now Kyla comes first. Her and her safety is what matters. Not what you want. You're never going to let me go. Deep down I know that. Deep down I know this is our only chance at being free from all of this.
      I did love you. Hell I probably still do. But you're not worth mine and Kyla's life. I'm so sorry.
     Don't look for us. You won't find us. Move on with your life Maddox. I have..

I looked at the note she had left in my hands. Anger radiating off of my entire face. My hands shaking as I held the paper.


I looked at Alistair and tightened my jaw. "I want them found. Now!"

Alistair jumped slightly at my angered pitched voice. He didn't say anything. He just nodded his head at me. We both walked out of her apartment and headed for the clubhouse.

Anger radiating off of my entire body as Alistair drove. Once inside the clubhouse I filled the men in. Everyone jumped into a car and the search for Winnie and Kyla began.

I went to my office and I got busy with my punching bag. I was pissed. Anger I couldn't get rid of. Not until I found them. Not until they were both back here. With me. Where they fucking belonged.

Her daughter? She's my fucking kid too! Who does she think she is? She has no right doing this. Keeping Kyla from me. I get she's still hurt, but fuck!

The knock on my door made my inner thoughts disappear.

"Her car was seen leaving the city a few hours ago. She fled."

I looked at Miller and ran my hands over my face. A deep and harsh sigh escaping my lips.

"I know she fled Miller. I want her location."

Miller didn't say anything. However his face told me he wanted to.

"What?" I asked with clear irritation in my voice.

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