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I got up and answered the door. As soon as I seen the cops I knew something was wrong.

"Can I help you officers." I asked confused as to why they were even here. I could feel everyone behind me.

"Are you Winter Thompson?"
"I am." I said seriously confused.

The cop nodded his head at me. "There's been an accident. You were on the medical id card we found in a phone at the site."

I looked at him confused.


The cop looked at me and grabbed his notepad. "Destiny Fitzgerald."

As soon as the words left his mouth I felt the color drain from my face.

"C-Carter and her son. What about them? Are they all okay?"

The cop looked at me. His face dropping.

"Kyla go upstairs honey." My dad told her. Which she did. I heard the little pitter patter of her small feet. The cop kept his eyes on me.

"I wanna talk to detective white."

The cops looked at me and grabbed his phone. "She wants to hear it from you."

It only took minutes until detective white pulled up. Her face mimicking that of the cops.

"They're okay right? They're fine."

Detective white looked at me. "I'm sorry Winter. They were hit on the way home from dinner. A hit and run. The car that hit them ran them into the intersection. The semi couldn't stop in time. They died on impact. Destiny, and Carter are gone. Max luckily was with Carters parents. He's okay."

I shook my head and I felt the tears running down my face. I screamed and I would have fallen to the floor if Nate didn't grab me.

The cops and everyone had tears running down their own faces. Watching me. Watching me scream and cry for the only family I've had in years. The only support system I have had. The only reason I didn't give up was because of them. Now they are gone.

I fell to the floor and Nate grabbed me. Holding onto me. I clung to Nate as if my fucking life depended on it. Crying and screaming while Nate held me. Which seemed like quite a long time. I was numb. I couldn't cry anymore. I was so numb.

"W-Who hit them?"

Detective white shook her head. "We're not sure. All we know is the the car that hit them was black in color and a suv. The street cameras caught the accident. There was no plates on the vehicle and the windows were tinted. We can't make out the inside of the car."

I looked at her but I remained silent. Not saying a single word. Detective white however did.

"Destiny doesn't have any relatives and Carter's mom and father aren't financially stable enough to take Nax. They have too much debt."

I looked at her and I got up. "Dad watch Kyla please."

I didn't say anything else. I just walked out the front door. Detective white drove me to Carter's parents house. In complete silence. I didn't even knock on the door. I just walked inside.

Carter's family had tears running down all of their cheeks as they looked at me. My face looking the same as theirs. Nax was laying on the couch. Crying and sobbing into the arm of the couch.

I took a shaky and heavy breath. Knowing this was going to be hard. I walked over to Nax and crouched down.

"Hey buddy."

Max lifted his head from the couch. His eyes on me. "Aunt win."

I wiped his tears away and he leapt into my arms. Crying harshly. Which honestly was taking everything out of me to not start crying again.

Little taste of hellWhere stories live. Discover now