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"Just answer the question Maddox."

Maddox looked at me and sighed. A heavy ass breath exiting his parted lips.

"You seriously avoided me for a week and then ask me this shit Winter?"

I needed time to think. I needed distance.

I rolled my eyes. "I just wanna know. I mean you're not really doing anything to get her back."

Maddox signed and nodded his head. Anger on his face that he was trying to push down.

"FINE! I do want to know my kid, but if I'm being honest. If I'm being one hundred percent honest. Then yes. I'm doing it because you asked me to. I know he won't hurt her. It's not his thing. Hurting kids. I know she's okay, so yes Winter. I'm doing it mainly for you."

I looked at Maddox with so much hurt and betrayal in my eyes I wanted to scream. I didn't though. I just nodded my head and bit my lip.

"Imma go shower. We have the meeting with Randy in 2 hours."

I walked away.

"Shit. Winter I didn't mean it like that!"

I ignored him and walked through the green doors. Finding the room and going to the shower. My bruises and soreness mostly subsided and started clearing up. So I wasn't in as much pain as I used to be. Which I was thankful for.

I showered and focused on getting ready. Which didn't take me too long. Only about an hour. So I decided to kill the rest of the time. Going to the coffee shop and drinking a coffee. In silence until we had the meeting.

I looked over and locked eyes with one of Randy's men. I recognized him. He was sitting across the coffee shop. Enjoying a donut and a coffee. His eyes periodically on me. My guess was he was to keep an eye on me. Until the meeting.

I didn't pay him any attention though.

"Hey where's Kyla?"

I looked at the lady and gave her a small smile. "Oh she's with my dad."

She smiled at me. "Tell her I said hi. I miss her cuteness."

I gave the cashier a smile and nodded my head. Feeling the tears in my eyes. That I was fighting to push back. Just the mention of my babies name sent me into shock and turmoil.

Maddox: where are you. We have to leave.

I rolled my eyes at the text message and replied.

Winter: coffee shop around the corner.

I didn't get a text back. I knew he was coming. Which I was right when I seen the suv pull up to the curb outside. I didn't say anything. I just headed for the car. Getting in. My heart pounding the entire way there. The last meeting was horrible.

"Just let me handle this Winter."

I nodded my head at Maddox. Knowing damn well this was a meeting for my answer. A answer to a question Maddox didn't even know fucking existed. I still hadn't told him. I knew he would hide me. Which wasn't happening since I'm the only person in this car that cares about Kyla and her safety was me.

"We have a meeting with Randy."

The receptionist nodded her head but just dialed a number.

"Your meeting sir?"

She didn't say anything else. She just hung up. "Someone will be down to retrieve you two."

As if we are the damn mail. What the fuck.

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