Thirty- six

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Kyla was sound asleep in the back seat. She was beat that was for sure. I was almost back to town. Only about twenty minutes left and we would be back into our normal beds. Which I can't lie. I was excited about.

Three minutes later lights blinded me.

Fuck you asshole. Go around me. God! People are such dicks.

I slowed down to let the van pass me. Which they didn't. They just started blinking their bright ass lights. Blinding me a little more.

What is your fucking problem?! YOU FUCKING DICK HEAD.

The bastard wouldn't pass me. Deep in my gut I could tell something wasn't right. This wasn't right.

Why won't you pass? What's your issue? Stop being a dick. I swear if my fucking kid wasn't in this car I would fucking break check you!

He kept blinking his bright lights. Kept driving like a psycho. Speeding up, slowing down, acting like he was going to pass me. Just to go back behind me.

I could feel my heart beat thumping wildly inside of my chest. Every girl knows the feeling I'm talking about right now. The fear, the uncertainty, the overwhelming crushing feeling......

Something bad was about to happen.

I could feel the tears in my eyes. Welling up harshly. Making my hands shake. My panic rising more and more with each passing second.

When I seen the second van all I could do was think about Kyla.

God, I know I'm not religious or anything. I know I don't really seek you out, or talk to you. I know we have this weird relationship. I know that. I'm sorry for that too. But if you exist please protect my baby. Please don't let anything happen to her. Please if anything happens tonight. I'm begging you god. Please take me. Kill me. Hurt me. Please don't let my little girl get hurt. Please god I'm begging you. PROTECT MY BABY GOD!

I was pleading with a god I didn't even believe in. Panic and fear radiating off of my entire being. When the van behind me lightly bumped my ass end I cried out. Gripping my steering wheel. My knuckles so white my skin looked see through.

I was getting pushed to the stopped van on the road. If I didn't stop I would hit it. If I did stop who knew what would happen. If I hit it Kyla could get hurt. If I didn't hit it we could both get killed.

Where is my phone!?

I was trying to look for my phone, but I couldn't find it. It was know where to be seen.


When the next hit to my ass end came my car spiraled. He hit me harder this time. Too hard. My car spiraled but stayed flat on the ground. I was trying to keep control but my wheel was going crazy.

My car veered off of the road and hit the tree. Head on. I flew forward hard. My chest hitting my steering wheel. My arm cracking under the force of my air bag. My face flying backwards when the air bag blasted my face.

My ears were ringing and my car was smoking.

Ugh. Ow. Fuck. Pain. Oh god everything hurts.

I looked back at Kyla and she was awake now. Still in that barely awake stage. Not really understanding what just happened. She didn't even get a word in when both of my car doors flung open.

Some guy in a mask grabbed me. Yanking me out of my car by my arm and my hair. I tightened my jaw from the pain.

Don't give in to the pain.

I had a tough face on until one of the masked guys grabbed Kyla. She was kicking, screaming and yelling for me.



I flung my head backwards. Connecting the back of my head with the guys nose. Sending him back grabbing his nose.


I started running for my daughter. Who was fighting this man that had over 200 pounds at least on her. She had not a single chance.

Before I reached her my face flew to the side. The sting radiated through my face. The guy back handed me so hard I spiraled and flew to the ground.


The guy jumped into the van with Kyla and the guy who hit me looked down at me. I could feel the tears in my eyes. On my face. The utter fear taking my entire body over.


I could see the smile on the man's face as he looked down at me.

"The boss doesn't want you Winter. He wants Kyla. She will be unharmed. This isn't about her. She's just an insurance policy Princess. Your collateral damage."

That voice sounds so familiar.

Before I could say anything or register my words, the guy leaned down hitting me. Punch after punch. Kick after kick. All I could do was gasp and grunt from the pain.

Pain radiating through my entire fucking body. He was strong. I'm not sure if the punches or the kicks hurt worse. All I knew was that I couldn't breathe. The assault was literally taking my breath away.

I was on the ground. The cold wet ground as the wet grass soaked my clothes. Making the assault sting even worse.

I can take it. You can do this winnie. You have to take it. You have to get her back.

I was coughing and gasping after so many of the hard kicks. It took my breath away completely.

I don't wanna die. I can't leave Kyla. I can't leave her. She needs me. Oh god please protect her.

When the man wrapped his hands around my throat my eyes widened. I grabbed onto his wrists.

Fuck I can't breathe.

I was trying to get him off of me. I was trying to hit and slap him. Push him off. Knee his dick. Anything.

I was turning blue. I could feel it. My lungs were trying to find anything to work with. He wasn't giving me shit to work with though.

When I looked at his wrist I would have screamed if I had oxygen available.

I know that tattoo. I've seen that tattoo. I was with him when he got that tattoo. I have the same one. We got them together.

Seeing the tattoo. The odd feeling I've heard his voice before. I did the only thing I possibly could. The only thing I had left to do. I grabbed his mask and pulled it off.

If I'm going to die I want to see you do it. I want you to know I died knowing the truth.

The familiar eyes looked at me. Widened and shocked.

I'm right. It is him.

"Tell your baby daddy Randy says hi."

Just like that he let go of my throat and climbed off of me. Running for the van. I was trying to fill my lungs with air as fast as I possibly could.

I stared at him as he got into the van. Looking back at me. The same sad look he always gave me.


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