Chapter 1-the meeting

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Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I groan audibly, like every other day, as my morning alarm clock goes off. The sound was quite literally like nails on a chalkboard.

Rolling over onto my stomach, I hurriedly silence the obnoxious ringing.

The soft glow of the blue digits reads 8:00 AM.

I throw the big duvet off my body, instantly missing its warmth.

Tonight I'm waitressing another movie premiere—although, I'm not entirely sure which one.

I've lost track of how many I've done since I started working at the convention centre about four months ago.

I moved to Los Angeles a few months back, hoping to pursue a career in modelling, and sadly, I've been catering this venue ever since. Just like that, I joined the other hundreds of aspiring models busing tables in LA. 

Though, I don't necessarily loathe working here, the premieres remain the same. Typically consisting of snobby celebrities, directors, and 'Hollywood big-shots,' who act like you're the help. With the sole purpose of bringing them their orders and remaining mute. But, I suppose I'm just not used to this lifestyle.

At first I would get incredibly star struck. My cheeks would turn an embarrassing shade of cherry-red as the recognizable faces walked past. Now I'm rarely even phased.

~ ~~

Glancing at the analog clock that hung above the door frame— and realizing that I'm terribly late— I frantically pull my uniform over my body.

The uniform consists of a rather tight, revealing black dress, that, admittedly, hugs my curves quite nicely. I rapidly slip on a black nylon followed by a pair of, rather uncomfortable, black heels. I hastily brush my fingers through my hair and apply the best— and fastest— makeup look I can manage, before running out the door. 

Just as quickly as my heel-clad feet cross the threshold, my hot tempered boss appears as angry as ever. His bitter tone shouts something along the lines of "you were supposed to be here an hour ago to help set up" and "hurry get to your place, the guests arrive in 10 minutes!"

I swiftly obey, quickly sprinting towards the bar.
I don't normally work the bar, most likely due to the fact that I'm underage. However, the bartender had called in sick last minute, therefore my boss felt it necessary. And, as he so often says, I look older than I am. Besides, it merely involves pouring drinks— how hard could that be?

Soon enough I can hear the loud cheers erupting from outside, as one by one, each guest begins to arrive from the red carpet. I recognize Robert Downey Jr., followed by Chris Hemsworth, and a few other A-list actors whose names have slipped my mind.

I quickly realize that this is likely a Marvel movie. My breath catches in my throat as I internally fangirl for a brief moment— considering I'm a huge comic nerd.

Suddenly, I hear someone clearing their throat from behind me, pulling me away from my all-encompassing thoughts, as I swiftly spin on my heel towards their direction.

Standing in front of me is a tall and handsome man with broad shoulders, clad in a black, fitted suit— of which hugs his muscular frame in a very complimenting manner. His eyes are blue— but a twinkling blue— and he sports a lopsided grin.

I immediately recognize him as Chris Evans. Although, admittedly, the comic lover within me saw Captain America.

He clearly notices my gawking stare, as he emits a throaty chuckle. Politely, he orders a glass of our best champagne, resting his elbows on the marble countertop, his head held loosely in his hands.

My cheeks feel hot, a crimson blush— no doubt—creeping onto my cheeks, as I carefully pour his glass, feeling his intense gaze follow my every movement.

"Thanks," he says his voice gravelly and low, as he slowly takes the glass from my grasp, his fingers lingering on mine for a brief moment, just long enough for the butterflies to erupt within my stomach.

"Aren't you a little young to be working the bar?" He asks, slightly cocking his brow.

"I—I ugh" I stutter, like a complete fool, entirely unsure of what to say.

"It's okay, I'm only joking," he laughs, as a large grin — mainly of relief— plasters itself across my, once again, reddened face. Finally, my heart rate begins to fall back to a normal pace.

"Chris," he spoke softly, extending his hand for me to take, his voice falling past his lips like silk.

I timidly accept his hand, "Molly," I smile, "nice to meet you."

"Molly," he says slowly, as if he's testing it aloud, causing my heart to skip a beat at the deep rasp to his tone.

"Maybe we can go to dinner later. I mean, if you're not—if you're not busy," he finishes, immediately losing his confident façade, as his hand reaches behind his head to nervously scratch the back of his neck.

I couldn't help but smile, "I'd love to."

"Great," he says smoothly, but I could tell by the bead of sweat that had formed on his forehead, he was just as nervous as I was— which I didn't think was possible.

"See you back in about—" He glances at the watch on his wrist.

"—Two hours?"

I nod, not trusting the strength of my own voice in this moment, as he gives me a final toothy smile, before disappearing amongst the crowd.


Grabbing a damp cloth I begin to wipe down the bar's countertop. As I'm cleaning the marble surface, I feel an intense gaze in my body. I glance up, surprised to be meeting the same sparkling blue eyes.

"Back so early?" I question, upon noticing Chris had return to the bar, much less than an hour later.

"Can't help it, all I could think about was you."

I couldn't contain the crimson blush, that swept across my cheeks, at his confession. The way he spoke was always so smooth and effortless. It was like flirting was second nature to him.

I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned...

"I can't leave yet, my shifts not done for another four hours," I groan, hating my job more in this very moment than I had ever before.

"Screw it!" Chris says excitedly, his nonchalant demeanour enticing me even further.

I think for a brief second, before ultimately agreeing. I've been waiting for something exciting to happen to me since I moved to LA, I'd be crazy to turn down the first even remotely exciting experience to come my way.

The crooked smile that was etched onto Chris' face grew even wider, as he gently grabs my hand, leading me towards his car.

A/n: I wrote this in 2015...when I was the quality is not my best (pretty bad actually) 😭 with that said, I really hope you enjoy!! ❤️

Besties! im gonna try to edit this since I saw it in a tiktok🥲💕 the book kinda sucks but we stan chris :')

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