Chapter 31- birthday

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I wake up to an empty bed, and I see a note on Chris' pillow that says Molly I open it, and it reads;

Happy birthday babe! I love you so so so much. You are my princess, so today I'm going to give you a fairytale.
Love always,

I then see, a trail of rose petals leading from the bed out to the kitchen. Where I see my handsome boyfriend standing in front of a table full of all my favourite breakfast foods, holding a bouquet of roses.

I run up to him and hug him. He holds one arm out, careful not to squish the roses. "Chris this is amazing!" I beam, kissing him on the lips. "Well, you're amazing" he smiles.

He pulls out a chair, signalling for me to take a seat, and we enjoy the delicious breakfast.

Once we're finished, Chris tells me to go and get ready because he has another surprise for me and we have to leave in 1 hour. I quickly shower, get dressed and do my makeup.

We get in the car and Chris won't tell me where he's taking me. He just keeps saying "it's a surprise."

After about 20 minutes of driving, the car stops and Chris goes into the trunk and pulls out a small carry-on suitcase.

Taking my hand he guides me inside and I soon realize we're in a train station. He then leads us to a line and once we get to the front, he hands the woman our tickets and she says, "enjoy your trip."


Oh my God, Chris is taking me on a trip! Chris smiles down at me, then leads us to our seats. We're sitting first class. The woman comes up to us with a bottle of champagne, although I decline considering my circumstance.

Chris where are we going!" I ask excited. "Babe I want everything to be a surprise" he smiles. How did I get so lucky.

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