Chapter 41-the baby's coming

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*4 months later*

Molly's POV
I'm now 9 months pregnant, and huge. Chris and I finished the nursery, and baby proofed our house, but now we're bickering on baby names. Chris is insisting on Scarlett, Katherine and Jennifer, but I like short and cute names like; Daisy, Bella or Lilly. Although, I think I can convince Chris to settle on Lilly.

"Hey baby Scarlett" Chris coos placing a hand on my belly. So much for convincing him to settle. "Hey!" I say playfully swatting his hand away. "We did not agree on that name" I say, crossing my arms over my chest, pretending to be offended. Chris puts his hands up, in a surrender motion and we both start to laugh.

Later that night

I shot out of bed, feeling a sharp pain cursing through my lower belly. Letting out a loud yelp. Chris stirs in bed next to me, but I decide not to wake him. Thinking I'm not due for at least 2 more weeks, and it can't be a contraction. I try my best to go back to sleep, but to no avail. So, I decide to go make myself a cup of tea, since that always helps me fall asleep.

Suddenly I feel warm water trickling down my leg, followed by another contraction. Then, I realize that my water broke, and I'm in labour. I let out a loud yell, as another contraction hits and I hear Chris' heavy footsteps running downstairs and towards me. "Baby what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks worried. Then, he sees the pool of water and looks as if he's about to faint. "Oh my God! You're water broke! The baby's coming!" Chris yells.

I giggle at his excitement, before my laughter is short lived by another contraction. "Chris, go and grab the hospital bag, we have to go", I say clutching my stomach, and mentally thanking myself for being cautious and packing my hospital bag already.

Chris runs back downstairs with the hospital bag and helps guide me to the car and speeds to the hospital. I'm going to see my baby soon.

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