Chapter 14- one on one

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Once everyone had finished dinner, Molly's mom and sister went in the kitchen to prepare dessert.

Molly, her dad, and I all sat awkwardly together in the living room. "Molly, can we have a hand in here?" Her mom yells. Molly gives me a worried look, like she's nervous to leave me alone in a room with her dad. I give her a look as if to say go and she hesitantly gets up and leaves.

"So, it's Chris right?" Her dad asks breaking the silence. I nod, not trusting my own voice right now. "I've been watching you all night, you seem to really love my daughter." He says genuinely.

"Yes, yes sir I do, I really love Molly" I say aloud for the first time.

"My wife seems to be fond of you too" he states. I smile at him, not really sure how to respond.

"I'm going to be honest with you, when Molly told me she was bringing home an older boy, I was skeptical, but after seeing you with her and my family, I approve. I really think she picked a good guy." Her dad smiles yet his gaze on me remains strong.

"Thank you sir I-" he cuts me off saying, "-call me Robert" I smile, and I know that really means a lot coming from him.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now