Chapter 32- surprise!

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Once the train ride was over, there was a car waiting for us outside the train station. I got in the car and once we started driving I could see the Eiffel Tower through the window. "Oh my God!" I squealed. "We're in Paris!" Chris chuckled at my excitement, obviously proud he was able to pull this off.

The car pulled up to a beautiful hotel, and Chris retrieved our bags, taking my hand and guiding me into the hotel.

There were high ceilings with a huge glass chandelier that hung in the centre of the room. We walked up to the front desk. "Bonjour" the lady smiled up at us.

"Bonjour" I reply. "est-ce votre première fois à Paris?" The lady asks. "Oui" I reply. Once she's done checking us in she hands us our room key. "bonne journée" she says as were walking away. "Merci!" I smile back.

"Wow I didn't know you could speak French?" Chris asks surprised. Where I'm from in Canada, you have to take French from kindergarten to grade 9, and most people take it all the way up until their graduating year; since by then they are practically fluent. "I learned it in school" I say and he chuckles wrapping his arm around my shoulder, as we step into the elevator.

Our room is on the top floor. I walk in and there's a huge glass window, with the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. "Wow it's beautiful" I say. "I'm glad you like it" Chris smiles kissing my cheek.

Chris' POV
Molly thinks I took her to Paris for the weekend for her birthday, which is partly true. But, the main reason I brought Molly here is because I want to propose to Molly tonight. I know we haven't been together that long, but she is pregnant with our child, and I know that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her. So I thought it would be perfect. I'm taking her out to dinner, then I'm going to propose at the Eiffel Tower.

I just hope she says yes.

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