Chapter 27- come with me

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Today's the day Chris starts filming. I'm sad I won't be able to spend the greater part of the days with Chris, but at least were both here in London together. Plus, the sets only a 30 minute drive from our flat.

I can tell Chris doesn't want to leave me alone here, especially since he found out I am pregnant. He kept tossing and turning in bed last night, and when I woke up this morning he was pacing the kitchen.

I've tried to reassure him and tell him I'll be fine and that it's only for 3 months, but nothing seems to calm his nerves.

"I really don't like leaving you all alone in the apartment babe" Chris says worried.

"I'll be fine" I reassure him, "plus I have lots of reading to catch up on anyways" I continue. He smiles for once, but I can tell he's still wary about leaving me. I can only imagine how he's going to be when the baby's born and he has to go film another movie.

Chris POV

I love acting, and until I met Molly, it was my number one priority other than my family. But now all I can think about is how much I don't want to film this movie.

Maybe I'm over reacting a bit, but all I want to do, is fly back to LA with Molly and be there with her throughout her whole pregnancy. Now we're stuck in a foreign country for the next three months while I film. Just then I had an idea, why don't I bring Molly with me on set? The only problem is, they don't know about Molly, they don't know about her age, and they don't know that she's pregnant...

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