Chapter 9-forgiveness?

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Chris looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Chris," I began. "I lied to you, and I'm so so sorry, I-I just never thought we'd get this serious and I-"

"-Molly" Chris cuts me off, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"What is it?"

Even though he has a calm cool and collected demeanour, I can tell he was nervous on the inside.

"You know how when we first met I told you I was 23?" He nodded, clearly remembering the moment.

"Well, I'm not, I'm actually 18."

Chris' eyes became wide and his face was a mixture of anger, shock and hurt.

I couldn't take the tense atmosphere any longer, so I broke the silence that looked over us.

"I'm-I'm so so so sorry, I-I never imagined I would feel this way about you I'm so sorry, and I totally understand if you never want to see me again." I cried.

Chris remained quite. "Please Chris, say something." I pleaded.

"Molly, why? Why would you lie to me? You're 18! You're a teenager! Oh God I was with a teenager?" Chris rubbed his temples in disbelief.

"Look I understand if you never want to see me again" I said grabbing my purse and standing up....and to my absolute shock, Chris grabbed my wrist, "I never said that" he spoke sternly.

"W-what?" I questioned incredulously, my bottom lip quivering, as I'm on the verge of completely breaking down.

"Molly I'm hurt and disappointed, you lied to me, mislead me.. But what I said about you was true I'm falling for you and those feelings don't just go away." He said genuinely.

"So what are you saying Chris?" I ask nervously.

"I'm saying, if your willing to give this relationship another chance I am too."

"-But Chris what will people say? What will people thi-" I was cut off again by Chris' soft lips against mine, he pulled away first and said, "I don't care what people think, age doesn't matter to me. I fell for you, Molly Sawn, and isn't that all that matters?" He asks.

I stood in front of this beautiful, strong man in disbelief. How did I get so lucky? He stood up and hugged me so tight, neither one of us wanted to ever let go.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now