Chapter 19- sick

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Suddenly I hear a knock at the door, "babe are you okay?" Chris calls. "Yeah I'm fine be right there!" I respond, lying because I really felt like hell.

I splash my face with water and wash my hands, digging in my purse for some mints. I walk out and the smell of the sushi restaurant, made me feel sick again.

Chris notices, and grabs my hand guiding me to the car. "What's going on?" He asks worry and concern evident on his face.

"It's nothing I'm fine, probably just food poising" I say, trying to convince myself that too. "I can't leave you like this Molly" he says, voice full of worry.

Chris leaves tomorrow to start filming another avengers movie in London. He'll be gone for 3 months. I was really sad, but Chris has to go and I'm not going to stop him. "No Chris I'll be fine." I say hoping to convince him.

He looks like he's thinking about something, and then says "hey, why don't you come with me, there's lots of modelling opportunities in London, and I'm renting an apartment so we'll have lots of room. Plus, I can't imagine being away from you for three months babe" he says.

I've always wanted to go to London, without hesitation I say "yes!" And kiss Chris' cheek not being able to hide my excitement. "We're going to London" he beams.

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