Chapter 37- pain

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Once Chris opened the door my jaw dropped when I saw who it was.

My parents.

I haven't told them yet, and the first thing their eyes are drawn to is my belly. "Oh my God" my mom whisper-yells, clearly shocked. My sister puts her hand over her mouth and gasps.

"Uh mom and dad, I-I'm pregnant" I say with as much enthusiasm as I can.
* * * * * ***

I stood there shaking with nerves, awaiting my parents response. My dad seemed very shocked, at a loss for words even. What if they hate me? Just then, I feel my mom bring me in for a tight hug. She pulls back and she has tears in her eyes, "I'm going to be a grandma" she chuckles, a bit in disbelief. Immediately lifting the mood.

"Molly can I talk to you?" My dad asks in a serious tone. I gulp, and nod.

We walk into the kitchen, and sit at the table. "Molly," my dad begins. "D-dad I know that this isn't ideal but I really think that we will be able to care for this baby" I cut him off. He rubs his temples. "Mol, I was going to say that I'm happy for you, and I know you'll be a great mother."

"W-what?" I ask stunned. He smiles, placing a hand on top of my own.

"You're not like the average 19 year old, you're extremely responsible, and headstrong and you and Chris are both very financially stable. I know you can do this, both of you. That's one lucky baby to have such great parents."

My dad says, while a tear slips down his cheek. "Daddy" I say, standing up to give him a hug. "I'm happy for you guys" he says before guiding us back into the living room.

Chris' POV
Molly came back into the living room with a big grin on her face from ear to ear. And it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing that her parents are being supportive. The rest of the night went smoothly, we told her family were having a girl and everyone was happy; especially her mom. We told them about the engagement, and that we wanted to hold off on the wedding until the baby was born, and they supported that too.

Just as I was thinking that this night couldn't have gone better, I feel Molly grab my arm with one hand, and her belly with the other.

"Babe what's wrong" I asked concerned. "I don't know, I feel a shooting pain in my belly" Molly says, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Just then, a trail of blood begins to trickle down her inner thighs.

"Oh my god" she screams, holding her belly again now almost doubled over in pain. I quickly grab my keys and rush her to the hospital, praying that Molly and the baby are okay.

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