Chapter 13- first impressions

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"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Chris." I smile.

"It's nice to meet you Mr & Mrs Swan" Chris says extending his hand for them to shake.

My dad says nothing but holds a strong gaze on him, while my mom reaches out and takes his hand, saying "nice to meet you too, Chris" and giving him a sympathetic look.

Just by my Dad's reaction, I knew this was going to be a long night.

Chris' POV

Immediately I can tell that Molly's dad is going to be tough, I guess I can understand I mean how would I react if my 18 (but soon to be 19) year old daughter started dating a 33 year old, he's just being protective.

I just hope that Molly's dad can have an open mind, and get to know me better. Thankfully, our flight was a bit delayed so by the time we got there dinner was already made so we didn't have to go through any awkward small talk.

"So Chris," Molly's mom begins breaking the silence at the table, "You're in some pretty big movies, huh?" She half asks, half states.

"He plays captain America mom!" Molly's younger sister Sarah beams, obviously a fan.

"Yes, I play the guy in tights" I chuckle and so does Molly's mom and sister.

"Molly told me you were an actor but she didn't tell me you were a big time movie star!" Her Mom says.

"I don't know if I'd say big time movie star-I mean I'm no Brad Pitt." I joke quoting her, and they both start to laugh.

"I like you Chris" Molly's mom smiles at me. "He's a keeper" she winks at Molly.

Molly places her hand on my knee, and I catch her gaze, and she smiles, and I knew that it was going to be okay. Just one problem.... Her dad hasn't said a word the whole night, and by the way he was looking at me, I could tell it was coming.

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