Chapter 26- the news

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"I'm pregnant"

Chris' eyes widened, "you-you're what?" Chris asked shocked.

"Chris I'm pregnant." I say. His face goes pale, and those terrible thoughts of Chris not wanting the baby, are all coming back.

Until he finally breaks the silence saying, "you're pregnant! We're going to have a baby!" A smile spreads across my face from ear to ear, the nerves finally subsiding.

Chris jumped up from the table swinging me in a hug. Before he realized what he was doing, and quickly puts me down muttering "sorry sorry" to my belly, placing his hand on my stomach.

"Babe this is amazing, I'm going to be a dad!" He beams, kissing me passionately.

Chris POV

I couldn't be happier that Molly's pregnant and we're going to have a baby.

At first I was nervous, but not because Molly's pregnant, because I start filming tomorrow and it's already hard enough leaving Molly, now that she's pregnant it's even harder.

"Chris" she begins, snapping me out of my thoughts, looking a bit concerned. I smile at her and give her another hug telling her how happy I am that we're going to be parents.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now