Chapter 28- on set

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Chris wants me to come to set with him. I'm a little apprehensive because Chris hasn't told the cast that he even has a girlfriend; and I can only imagine how they'll react to him having a much younger and pregnant girlfriend.

Once we get in the car, Chris notices my nervousness, and places a hand on my knee for comfort.

"It'll be fine babe" he smiles. Is it weird I'm more nervous to meet the cast then I was to meet his family? I force a smile, and try telling myself everything will be fine.

Once we arrive on set I see a large building with small trailers all around.

We step on set and Chris is immediately bombarded by a group of people. Some with makeup, others for wardrobe.

Soon enough Chris is being pulled away from me and I'm left alone on set.

"My trailer is the first one on the left babe!" Chris yells, while being pulled away by the crew. I step inside his trailer, and feeling a bit tired I decide to take a nap on the couch.

Chris POV

"Hey Chris, wait up" I hear someone yell as I'm walking off set. I turn around to see my co-star Jeremy.

"Renner!" I say, "what's up" I ask once he's reached me.

"The rest of the cast and I are going to get something to eat, wanna join?"

It's been a long day, and I'm sure Molly wants to go home, but maybe this is a good opportunity for them to meet her.

"Okay" I say before I can change my mind. "Let me go get Molly" I say "oh yes we can't wait to meet her!" Jeremy says giving me the address and I tell him we'll meet them there.

I open the door to my trailer and see Molly curled up on the couch. She looks so peaceful and beautiful when she's sleeping.

I walk up to her and gently shake her.

"Molly, Molly sweetie, wake up" I say in a loud whisper.

She stirs a bit before opening her eyes. "W-what's going on?" She asks confused.

"The cast invited us out for dinner, I thought maybe this would be a good time for them to meet you?" I say nervously. "What time is it?" She asks still sleepy.

"It's 7:00" I say, "-but we can go home and rest instead, I'll just call them and tell them that we can't make-"

Molly cuts me off saying, "no no lets go just let me fix my hair at least" she giggles and walks over to the bathroom.

A few minutes later she emerges saying "ok let's go" although she seems calm on the outside, I can tell she's really nervous. I grab her hand and we head out.

I just hope everything goes well.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now