Chapter 21- London

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Once we arrive in London I'm immediately in tourist mode. We get in the cab from the airport and Chris is jet legged, but I couldn't be more excited to go and do touristy things.

Chris doesn't start filming for another two days, so I'm already planning our itinerary.

"So I'm thinking we start with a tour of the city!" I beam. "Sure babe whatever you want" Chris replies half asleep in a groggy voice. I get the memo, and let him rest for the rest of the drive, taking his hand in mine.

About 45 minutes later of heavy traffic, we arrive at our flat. I wake up Chris, and we get our bags and go into the apartment. It's very modern, all white walls with black leather couches and the only colour being in throw pillows, and paintings.

"So should we get changed then maybe go out for dinner?" I ask Chris, starving from the long flight. "Um babe, I was thinking we stay in tonight, then do all the things on your list tomorrow" Chris asks hopeful.

I know he's tired and he starts filming soon so he'll be even more tired, so I wanted to take advantage of the time we have together before he starts filming.

But I decide to let him rest, that way he'll be even better for our day that I planned tomorrow. He kisses me on the cheek, then descends into the master bedroom where he almost immediately falls asleep.

I decide to take advantage of being in London, so I quickly write a note to Chris, grab my coat and head out. I flag down a taxi, and ask him to take me to the London eye. Once I arrive I decide to walk around, and I found a pub and since Chris and I haven't eaten since we left LA, I decide to get us some fish n chips. I walk into the pub and get that sudden feeling of nausea again. I immediately run to the bathroom and start to vomit. I stand up and get an overwhelming feeling of dizziness and decide I should take a taxi home.

Once I'm in the taxi, I give the driver my address. Suddenly, I start to feel ill again. I grab the bro n paper bag that was shoved in the slot behind the drivers seat, holding it up to my mouth. I squeeze my head from the dizziness I suddenly got.

"Are you okay ma'am?" The driver asks. "Yes I'm fine it's probably just the fl-" I say before being cut off by more vomiting.

"That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital, there's one not far from here." I decide that I'm in no state to protest and let him drive me to the hospital.

Hoping that it really is nothing but the flu.

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