Chapter 22- I'm what!?

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I get out of the taxi and insist I can take it from here, he then pulls away wishing me luck and I thank him for everything.

I walk into the ER and fill out a sheet with my symptoms. Since I'm not a priority I'm in the waiting room for a good 2 hours before I can see the doctor. I decide to call Chris because I know he'll worry if he wakes up, and I'm not there but just my luck my phone is dead.


Chris' POV

I wake up and call for Molly but she doesn't answer, so I walk out in the kitchen to look for her but she's not there.

Instead I find a note that reads;

"Chris, I'm going to see the London Eye. I won't be gone too long.
xo love you Mol"

I look at the clock and realize that it's almost midnight. She should be back by now...

Starting to worry, I call Molly's cell. No answer I call again. Still no answer. I leave her a few texts telling her to call me ASAP. Now I'm starting to worry.

Molly's POV

"Molly Swan" the nurse calls, and I quickly stand up, immediately regretting it after I almost fall over.

The nurse rushes over to me and sits me into a wheelchair. "It's fine I'm just a bit light headed" I say but she insists so I let her wheel me to the room.

A tall slender woman with blond hair pulled back into a tight ponytail walks in and introduced herself as Dr. Lee.

"Okay," she begins, "it says here you're experiencing lots of vomiting, overwhelming dizziness and lightheadedness" I nod my head in agreeance.

"I'm going to have the nurses run a blood test, and I'll be back as soon as I get the results" she smiles. Then walks out of the room while the nurses take my blood.

She comes back with a big smile on her face, which actually makes me more nervous.

"Um, what's going on?" I ask in confusion.

"Well its good news" she begins, "you're pregnant about 10 weeks" she beams.

"W-what?" I ask stunned. Pregnant?

I'm pregnant?

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