Chapter 16- last day

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Chris' POV

I woke up to Molly wrapped in my arms. I couldn't help but smile, last night couldn't have gone any better.

Her family seemed to really like me, and although Molly said it wouldn't matter what they say, I knew that her parents approval meant a lot.

After a few minutes Molly slowly began waking up. "Chris" she mumbled in her cute morning voice.

"Morning babe" I say kissing her cheek.

"What time is it?" She ask sheepishly.

"8:30" I smile, "but I have a date planned for us today, what do you say we start with breakfast out?" I ask, and she smiles nodding her head. We take a quick shower, then get dressed.

Molly's POV

It's our last day here in Canada, and Chris tells me he has a day planned for us. We throw our luggage in the car that Chris rented, and grab a quick breakfast because he tells me we have a long drive ahead of us.

Throughout the drive, I kept trying to get Chris to tell me where he's taking me, but he wouldn't say. Which only made me even more anxious.

After about 6 hours of driving we arrive. I look out and see that Chris has taken me to the coastal area of Canada. We're surrounded by beautiful water, and I can see mountains in the distance. It's absolutely breath taking. Chris takes my hand and guides us closer to the water.

He takes a big blanket and sprawls it over the ground. He then pulled sandwiches, fruits and vegetables, and all different kinds of cheese out of a picnic basket. We lie down on the blanket listening to the sound of the waves, and enjoying this perfect moment together.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now