Chapter 40- roadtrip

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Molly's POV
I woke up this morning, noticing Chris wasn't in bed. I walk out of our shared bedroom and into the kitchen, to see Chris standing at the entry way with two suitcases. Wearing a baseball cap, and a tight tee shirt that accentuated his toned upper body and biceps.
He looked sexy.

I'm snapped out of day dreaming, by Chris coming up to me and kissing my forehead. "What's all this for, are you leaving me?" I joked, Chris looks a bit sad, and tells me he would never leave me before saying, "we're going on a trip!"

I quickly grab breakfast while, Chris loads the car. "So, where exactly are we going?" I ask once he started driving.

"Do you remember when we first met, you told me that you had just moved to California and you hadn't had a chance to do any touristy things?" Wow that seemed like ages ago. "Well, that's what we're doing, I have the whole thing planned." He continues excitedly, handing me a map with red circles all over it.

"First, we go to San Diego, then drive to Laguna beach, then we head to Santa Monica, and then back through San Fran" Chris beams, clearly excited. His excitement made me giggle. "Okay I can't wait!" I say.

After a few hours of driving, we finally arrive at our first stop. Chris gets out, then jogs around the side of the car to help me out. I step out of the car and see nothing but rocky cliffs and trees surrounding a big lake. It was beautiful. So serene and peaceful, much different from LA. Chris grabs a picnic box from the car, and leads us to the water. He then lays the blanket at the shore of the lake, where every so often the tide will come in and splash our feet. The view was unbelievable. With all the stress I've been going through lately, this was exactly what I needed. "I love you Chris" I say. Admiring his features, wondering how I got so lucky. "I love you to Mol"

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