Chapter 6- fairytale

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'Hey babe, I have something special planned for us tomorrow night, pick you up at 6?' Read the text I got from Chris.

I couldn't help the smile that plastered itself across my face.

'wow okay, what should I wear?'

'I got you something to wear that I know you'll look beautiful in' he responds, and I blush.

'Okay, see you then' I type back, and fall asleep with a smile on my face, thinking about my date with Chris.


Finally, it's the night of my mysterious date with Chris.

Chris should be here any minute, and I can't wait. I curled my hair and put on my makeup, but I'm currently wearing nothing but my black lace bra and panties with a fuzzy pink robe, since Chris said he has something for me.

I'm immediately pulled from my thoughts, when the doorbell rings and I open the door to see a very handsome Chris, dressed in a black tuxedo, holding up a dry cleaners bag.

"Hey babe, you look beautiful" I blush, and feel my stomach doing flips, at his new nickname for me.

"Why thank you." I say, gesturing to my robe, before continuing "thought I might go out like this" I finish as we both start to laugh.

I step out of the door frame, gesturing for Chris to walk inside. Once he does, he reveals a beautiful long dark purple gown, with a sweetheart neckline and sparkles from top to bottom.

"Oh my God, Chris!" I gasp, "It's-it's beautiful" I say, at a loss for words.

"Glad you like it" Chris beamed, clearly proud of himself.

"Like it! I love it!" I said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Well you better go and put on the dress babe, don't want to be late!" Chris says, and I run up to change.


"Wow, you look-you look stunning" Chris says, with his jaw dropped.

"Oh and I almost forgot!" He said, turning around and pulling out a small box from his jacket pocket.

"Turn around" I obeyed and felt Chris' soft hands push my hair to the side of my shoulder, then opening the box and placing a beautiful necklace around my neck.

I feel the cool material touch my skin, as my hand raises to caress the jewelry.

"There" he says, "-you look like a princess."

I turned around to look in the mirror, and saw a beautiful diamond necklace hanging at my collarbone. I just couldn't believe Chris had done all this for me. No boyfriend has ever done this for me; let alone someone I'm not even officially dating.

As were driving, Chris pulls the car over to the side of the road and hands me a silk scarf, causing me to give him a confused look.

"We're almost there babe, put this on, I want everything to be a surprise."

I give him a sceptical glare, but trusting Chris, I reach over and tie the scarf around my eyes. He notices my worry and places a comforting hand on my knee, saying "trust me, I just want everything to be perfect."

And I had a feeling that tonight was going to be the best night of my life.

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