Chapter 36- shocked

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Chris' POV
Today's the day that Molly's parents and sister fly in. I'm really nervous because I don't want Molly to feel like I'm forcing her to tell them. They should arrive any minute now. I paid for them to stay at a hotel, just in case this doesn't go as planned.

Just then I'm snapped out of my thoughts, by the doorbell. "Chris were we expecting someone?" Molly asked, rubbing her eyes just waking up. She looks so cute with her little baby bump and bed hair, wearing my oversized shirt. Molly snapped me out of my thoughts by saying, "Chris the door!" I quickly go and open the door.

Molly's POV
I woke up this morning quite tired. Now that my bump has become much more prominent it's getting harder to sleep, and I get a lot of back pain. So needless to say I wasn't happy when the doorbell rang indicating we had company.

Once Chris opened the door my jaw dropped when I saw who it was.

My parents.

I haven't told them yet, and the first thing their eyes are drawn to is my belly. "Oh my God" my mom whisper-yells, clearly shocked. My sister puts her hand over her mouth and gasps.

"Uh mom and dad, I-I'm pregnant" I say with as much enthusiasm as I can.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter I'll make the next one extra long! xxx

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now