Chapter 30- 18 weeks

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* 2 months later *

I'm now 18 weeks pregnant and you can see my little baby bump. I've started getting lots of cravings.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, I'll have a craving for chocolate and Chris will run to a store and get me some.

He's been amazing. Chris only has 2 weeks left of filming, and I'm really excited to go back home and move in with Chris, then set up the nursery. We still don't know what we're having yet, but I scheduled an appointment the week we get back and I can hardly wait to find out.

Chris' POV

I only have 2 short weeks left of filming, then Molly and I can go home.

We can finally get things done for the baby like, decorate the nursery, baby proof the house, get all of Molly's stuff moved in, and we find out the gender of the baby.

It really doesn't matter to me what we have, because I'll love it no matter what, it's my child. Part of me wants a boy, yet the other part of me wants a little girl.

But we can always have more kids. After all, I've always wanted a big family.

It's Molly's birthday in a few days, and I want to do something special. I decide I'm going to take Molly on a train to Paris; somewhere she's always wanted to go.

I remember when we first met, she told me that number 2 on her bucket list was to add a lock to the love bridge in Paris.

We leave tomorrow, but I want everything to be a surprise so I'm going to secretly pack her an overnight bag. Everything will be perfect.

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