Chapter 12- Off To Canada

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Chris' POV

The plane lands and I'm even more nervous now. We hop into the cab and Molly gives the driver her parents address. She gives me a reassuring smile and puts a comforting hand on my knee.

I start to regret pushing Molly so much for me meet her parents, but then again this had to happen sooner or later.

After about a 45 minute drive we arrive at her old house. It's cute, a tall brick house with a white fence along a flowerbed. It's kind of cool seeing where Molly grew up. Before I know it were standing on the welcome mat, ringing the doorbell.

Molly's POV

Even though I tried to stay calm for Chris, I was really nervous for him to meet my parents. My parents were the "interrogator" type parents. Where'd they'd ask whoever my sister or I were dating a million questions, that's why I never brought many guys home during my high school years.

My sister opened the door and she gave me a big hug, although we talk on the phone or skyped almost every night, I haven't seen her since I left for LA about 3 months ago. As soon as she pulled away and saw Chris her jaw dropped.

"Oh my God!" She squealed, "you're the guy from-your captain America!" She beamed. "That's me!" Chris chuckled. Just then I saw my parents emerge from the kitchen..

Note: sorry for the short chapter!! Just haven't decided how I want her parents to react yet!!

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