Chapter 38-miscarriage?

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Chris' POV
Once we arrived at the ER, they took Molly back immediately, and ran some tests. I sat in the small room, holding Molly's hand and comforting her for what seemed like years, waiting for the doctor to come in with the news.

Just then, I hear a knock on the door, followed by a tall dark haired older man, in a white coat holding a clipboard.

"Ms. Swan, I'm Dr. Burk." The man says introducing himself, we both just nod wanting him to hurry up and give us the results. "Well," he begins, "the lab ran the results and you're very lucky that you did not have a miscarriage. Many woman experience bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy, in fact it's quite common. You and the baby are fine, but you must take it easy for the next few days, stress is not good for you or the baby."

He finishes, and I immediately exhale a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. I squeeze Molly's hand and tears stream down her face. "Thank God" she breaths out heavily, and I kiss her cheek thankful nothing serious happened.

"You're free to go, just make sure to be careful and if you have anymore similar symptoms, come back to the ER straight away. Take care of yourself, other than that you and the baby are perfectly healthy." The doctor says, before turning around and walking out.

I hug Molly never wanting to let go. "Let's go home and rest ok?" I say, and she nods her head, "I'm just happy my parents left before that happened, I would have gave my mom a heart attack." She laughed, trying to lighten the mood a little.

And I realized I didn't know what I would do without her or our baby. I love them both so much, she hasn't even been born yet, and I already love her with all of my heart. I don't know what I would do if we lost her, I'm just happy she's okay.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now