Chapter 5- a perfect date

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Later that day Chris took me to the beach, and we ate lunch at nearby cafe. It was quite hipster, with fairy lights, and an amazing view of the beach.

Then we lay'd out on the sand, while the waves kept splashing at our feet.

It was amazing. We stayed there all day, even watched the sun set. Then when it got dark Chris drove me home.

"I want to see you again" Chris said, once we arrived in my drive way.

"Yes" I answered, "I would like that very much."

"Great" he smiles.

I quickly grabbed a pen and a crumbled recite in my bag and wrote my phone number on the back then handed it to Chris.

As his fingers lingered on mine, I couldn't help but blush.

He took the paper, and just as I was turning around to open the car door he suddenly stopped me-

"Oh Molly!" He says. I turned around and he grabbed the sides of my face, gently pulling me closer for a kiss.

He slowly pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Wow.. How lucky am I?" He said, thinking aloud.

I blushed, and planted another soft kiss on his lips.

Thinking I'm really the lucky one here.

"See you soon" he yelled as I began walking up the walkway.

"Looking forward to it!" I wink back.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now