Chapter 11- meet the parents

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Chris' POV

Today was finally the day. The day I get to meet Molly's parents. This meant no more sneaking around.

I could finally hold her hand in public, I could finally kiss her in public, and I could finally tell the world she's mine.

Yet at the same time I was so nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they try and convince Molly that I'm not good for her? Just then I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Molly coming up from behind me and wrapping her arms around me, as I kiss her hand.

"Hey babe," she says sheepishly.

I could tell she could sense my nervousness, even before she continues speaking, "it's going to be fine, once my parents see how happy you make me I'm sure they'll love you." I smile at her and turn around and kiss her cheek.

I really hope so.


Molly's POV

I'm surprisingly not as nervous as I thought I'd be. Chris made me realize that no matter what my parents say, we'll still love each other just as much.

Yes, having my parents support would be amazing and I know it would mean a lot to Chris, but if they don't support us then that's life, not everyone will agree with this relationship, but as long as Chris and I are happy that's really all that matters.

"So what should I call them? Should I hug them? Shake their hand? What should I-"

"-Babe, it's going to be fine just be yourself and how can they not love you?" I say, cutting Chris off from his nervous rambling.

Chris' POV

"Ok Chris, you ready Hun?" I hear Molly call from downstairs of my house.

"Yep just a sec babe" I say, grabbing our suitcase. I decided to wear a white shirt with a dark blue cardigan and jeans, since we're going to be meeting Molly's parents at their house for dinner tonight. Since they live in Canada were flying out there this morning to get there late afternoon, then going to Molly's parents house for dinner.

We decided not to stay there, so were staying at a hotel close by, we decided it would just be too awkward-especially if her parents are against our relationship.

I grab our suitcase and head out the door, as I'm packing our stuff in the car, Molly gives me a quick peck on the lips and says "everything we'll be fine"

I really hope she's right.

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