Chapter 35-gender

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Molly's POV
Today's the day we find out the baby's gender. We've told Chris' family, and they're really excited but I want to tell my family after today's appointment. At least they're 1000's of miles away, so it won't be too bad.

"You ready to go babe?" Chris asks with a huge grin plastered across his face. Clearly excited. "Yes, just a little nervous" I say kissing his cheek, grabbing my purse, before we head out.

We arrive at the clinic, check in with the receptionist and take a seat in the waiting room. I haven't said much, and I'm really nervous. What if we don't hear a heartbeat? I just hope our baby's healthy. Chris notices my nerves, and places a reassuring hand on my knee. "Everything will be fine Mol" Chris smiles.

What probably lasted 10 minutes felt like forever. "Molly?" A dark haired woman holding a clipboard calls. Chris takes my hand, as we follow the lady to a small room.

"The doctor will be with you shortly" she smiles. I sit on the bed and wait. Soon enough, a woman who introduces herself as Dr. Granger, lifts up my shirt, exposing my now prominent bump and pours a cold gel on my stomach. Chris squeezes my hand, I look over and smile at him.

The woman then places the wand over my belly and moves it around. "There's your little baby" she says pointing to the screen, where I can make out a head and it's little body. "Do you want to know the sex?" She asks "yes!" Chris and I both beam in unison.

"It's a girl!" The doctor says. I look over at Chris who has tears in his eyes, and he leans over to hug me. "I love you" he whispers in my ear, "and I love you baby girl" he says placing a hand on my belly.

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