Chapter 34- back to LA

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Molly's POV
The next morning, I wake up wrapped in the arms of my handsome fiancé. Wow it's just hit me that I'm going to be a mom and a wife. We leave today, and fly back to LA. Later this week, we have an appointment to find out the sex of our baby, and I'm so excited. I can finally start decorating the baby's nursery. Then I'm snapped out of my blissful thoughts when I realize that I haven't told my parents that I'm pregnant yet. Although, they like Chris, I don't know how they'll take the news; seeing that I'm only 19.

Chris' POV
Molly said yes! And I'm so happy to be able to start our life together with our child. We have an appointment to find out the baby's gender later this week. But I can tell something is bothering Molly.

She hasn't told her parents about the baby yet. I told my family the news the minute I found out, I was just so excited and so were they. My family was very supportive and offered to fly from Boston to California to help out.
Although we politely declined.

So I decided to invite Molly's parents and sister down to LA for the week, and I called Molly's best friend and asked her to throw a baby shower that week too. I just hope her parents are as understanding and supportive as mine were.

A/n: I rewrote this chapter twice and I still don't really like it, but the next chapter will be better :$

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