Chapter 25- I'm pregnant!

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The rest of our day in London was amazing. I decide the best thing to do is to tell Chris tonight. I can't keep this bottled up inside anymore, and it's Chris' baby too, he deserves to know.

"So, where do you want to go out for dinner?" Chris asks. I don't know how Chris will respond to the news, so I decide not to tell him in public.

"Umm, how about we eat in tonight" I say, as calm as possible. Chris simply smiles, taking my hands as we walk down the streets of London.

As we arrive at our flat, I feel like I'm going to be sick from the nerves. I love Chris so much, and I know Chris loves me too, but with Chris and his career, I don't know how he'll handle the news.

All of a sudden horrible thoughts of Chris leaving me, and not wanting anything to do with this baby start flooding through my mind. I knew I had to keep this baby. I know this may sound crazy, but I already felt a strong connection and had an eminence amount of love for this baby, our baby.

Chris is sitting at the table, and I walk over balancing our plates, then placing them before us. "This looks amazing babe" Chris smiles. I smile back, not trusting my own voice right now.

I decide just to say it, the suspense becoming overwhelming. "Chris," I begin. "I need to talk to you about something important"

Chris looks up at me nervously. "I don't really know how to say this, but I just want you to know that I love you very much." I say. "I love you too Mol, what's going on?" He asks now worried.

"Chris, I'm pregnant"

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