Chapter 10- 1 month later

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* 1 month later *

Chris and I have been dating for a little over a month now, and it's been absolutely magical.

Chris is literally one of those boys you read about in Nicholas Sparks books and see in those romance movies.

The guys who open car doors for you, or kisses your hand when they see you. I've met his parents and although they were a bit skeptical at first they really liked me and approved of our relationship.

And ever since Chris has been wanting to meet mine. But my parents are really protective, and to be honest I don't know if they'd approve of our relationship... and I know that would kill Chris, he's old fashion and my parents approval means a lot to him.

Chris POV

These past few weeks dating Molly, have been the best few weeks of my life. She met my family and they absolutely adore her. They were a bit against the age difference at first, but I knew the minute they'd meet her, they'd fall in love with her, just like I did.

I really want to meet Molly's parents but she's really against me meeting them, it seems. She thinks that they won't approve of the relationship with her being 18 and all.

Which I think is bull, because if they really love their daughter, wouldn't they want her to be with someone who will never leave her, who will never hurt her, someone who would die for her. And the worst part is, we can't even go out to a restaurant without going in through separate entrances and leaving in different vehicles, or hold hands in public, or kiss, because Molly doesn't want her parents finding out through the news because that would only make things worse.

"Mol, the press is bound to find out, we need to tell your parents that we're dating soon before they see their daughters face on the cover of a magazine or on tv!" I say hoping to convince her.

"I know how much my parents approval means to you, and I just don't want it to ruin our relationship if they disapprove." She admits.

"Oh so that's why you don't want me to meet your parents? You don't care if they don't approve of the age difference, you don't want me to leave you?" I ask. She lowers her head in disappointment, I place my finger under her chin, bringing her face closer to mine.

"Babe, I would never ever leave you, yeah it would suck if your parents hated me, but it wouldn't change my feelings for you, okay?" I say. She gives me a small smile as I wipe away a single tear rolling down her cheek with my thumb.


Molly's POV

Chris was right. It's not fair that we can't go out in public together because were scared the press might leak a photo of us, and my parents might see.

It's time I come clean and tell my parents the truth about Chris and I.

I just hope that they can understand and see Chris for the funny, generous, loving person that he is, and not just the age difference.

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