Chapter 18-going public

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Once we got to the mall and out of the car, the paparazzi were already all over us.

"Chris! Chris! Over here Chris!" And "who's this your girlfriend?" They shouted.

Chris held my hand tightly and guided us to the entrance. Once we got into the mall, it wasn't that crazy. A couple of little kids would come up to Chris, wanting to take a picture or get an autograph from "Captain America" and he would be so good with the kids.

It was actually really sexy. Once we had done our shopping we decided to get lunch at a busy restaurant down the block. Chris wrapped a strong arm around my waist once we left the mall, and we were once again bombarded by the paparazzi.

They kept shouting at Chris asking who I was. Chris said nothing but turned me around and planted a big kiss on my lips. I think they got the hint.

Once we sat down at the restaurant, Chris and I burst out laughing. "Well I guess were official now" Chris chuckled. "Guess so" I laughed, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

Yet no matter how perfect today was going, something wasn't feeling right. I'm not on my period-infact I missed the last months too, and just like that when the food arrived the smell suddenly made me nauseous, and I got up and ran to the bathroom, vomiting everywhere.

Toxic Love • Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now