Chapter 43- the wedding

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"Honey, you look absolutely beautiful, you have nothing to worry about!" My mom tries to comfort me, as I'm practically shaking with nerves.

Today is finally the day. Our wedding day.

After months of planning it's finally come. I was about to marry the man of my dreams and I couldn't be happier.

"Thanks mom, I love you." I say, before pulling her in for one last hug.

I smooth out my dress, and check my appearance one final time. Satisfied, I make my way to the big church doors.

Hundreds of people were sitting behind those doors, and I couldn't possibly be more nervous, but knowing that Chris would be there waiting for me made everything better.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by my dad pulling me in for a hug and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you ready to do this?" He asks, while extending his arm out for me to take.

I nod, nerves still evident. "Don't be nervous sweetie. Chris loves you so much. You've been dreaming of this day all your life and it's finally here. Be happy. Plus I couldn't have picked a better man myself." He says the last part while winking, making me giggle and instantly suppressing my nerves.

He was right. I love Chris and I was more than ready to do this.

Next thing I know, the wide oak doors were opened and I am faced with a beautifully decorated church. White and pink flowers are strung up everywhere, with a trail of their petals leading up to Chris.

Chris. He looked so handsome. His hair slicked back in its usual style, and he is wearing a fitting black suit with a slim, matching tie.

As soon as he sees me his face lights up. He gives me a small wave and I chuckle at his quirkiness.

Soft music begins to play, and the whole church stands up. My dad gives my hand a light, reassuring squeeze, as we begin to walk slowly down the aisle.

This is it, I think as I make my way closer and closer to Chris.

"I love you" My Dad says, kissing my cheek, then going over and hugging Chris before taking his seat beside my mother-who has a sleeping Ella cradled in her arms.

"You look stunning" Chris whispers, while taking my hand before the priest begins his speech.

"We've come together today to celebrate the Union of Christopher Robert Evans and Molly Lucy Swan in marriage. I believe you have something to say." He finishes, gesturing to Chris.

"I do-" Chris smiles at me before continuing. "Molly, from the second I saw you I knew you were the one. I know that sounds cliche, but I truly knew in that moment that I would spend the rest of my life with you. Spend the rest of my life loving you with everything I have. Spend the rest of my life caring for you and our beautiful daughter. And spend the rest of my life making you happy. You mean more to me than you could ever imagine, and without you I'd be lost. Words can't describe the amount of love I have for you. So I hope you'll allow me to show you for the rest of our lives."

I feel a tear fall down my face and Chris quickly wipes it away, before taking my hand again. I mouth an "I love you" before the priest continues.

"Do you Christopher Robert Evans, take Molly Lucy Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife. To love and cherish through joy and sorrow and through sickness and health?"

"I do."

"Do you Molly Lucy Swan, take Christopher Robert Evans to be your lawfully wedded husband. To love and cherish through joy and sorrow and through sickness and health?"

"I do." I smile genuinely.

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Evans. You may now kiss your bride." The room erupts in cheers, as Chris gently grabs my face, kissing me with more passion and love than I had ever felt before.

"I love you," he whispers, before gently placing another soft kiss on my lips.

If you told me 3 years ago, I'd be married and a mother before I was 20, I'd say you were crazy. But now that I have my amazing husband and a beautiful daughter, I wouldn't exchange it for the world. I wouldn't want my life to be any other way. Whatever challenges may come ahead I know I'll be able to conquer, because I'll have Chris.

And that's all I'll ever need.

The End !!!

A/N: I am currently writing the epilogue, I'll try to post it w/in a week!! Thanks for reading xxxx

Update: the epilogue is finished!!! Will be posting soon 💓💓

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