Chapter 3-moving quickly

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After dinner we went back to Chris' hotel.

The minute we stepped alone in the elevator, he gently pushed me back against the wall and kissed me passionately.

Chris was an amazing kisser, his lips were soft and tasted like peppermint.

Just as the kiss was getting more heated, the elevator dinged on Chris' floor. Chris grabbed my hand and led me to his room, he fumbled with the key for a second then shut the door with his foot once we were inside.

His eyes began to linger up and down my body, he looked at me and told me how beautiful I was. I giggled nervously and began to unbutton his shirt.

Truth is, I was nervous.

Chris was much older than me and probably experienced and I've never done anything like this before.

He then began to place open mouth kisses all along my neck and I arched my back giving him more access.

Suddenly I felt my back being pressed against the kitchen counter and hoisted atop the marble surface.

His jaw ticked at the sight.

"You're beautiful, you know."

I opened my mouth to speak, but his thumb gently brushed across my bottom lip. I parted my lips and his finger slid past, slipping inside the warmth of my mouth. I swiped my tongue across the pad of his finger, hollowing my cheeks ever so slightly around the digit.

Chris took a sharp intake of air, his bright blue eyes growing impossibly dark with lust.

"The things you do to me, princess."

His words went straight to my core. I loved the way he spoke with such dominance. I loved the way he could be so rough and dirty one minute, then soft and gentle the next.

Chris removed his finger from my mouth and gripped my hair, fisting it. He pulled my head back and his tongue ran across my neck. I whimpered softly, my hands tugged at the nape of his neck once his mouth sucked on my sweet spot— sure to leave a mark.

Chris pressed his body against mine, allowing me to feel exactly what I did to him. I was such a mess when he touched me; like putty in his hands, completely and utterly at his mercy— and it excited me to no end.

He pinned me roughly against the cabinets, spreading my thighs around his waist and rubbing his clothed erection against the thin fabric of my dress. I moaned at the contact, imagining how amazing it would feel inside of me.

His hands gripped my hips, smoothing them over the curvature of my body until they reached my bra strap. He unclasped it and tore the pink fabric from my body alongside the dress that had concealed it.

His head dipped down to my breasts, his tongue slowly swirled around my nipple before gently pulling it between his teeth, his other hand twirling the hardened bud. I arched my back into the cabinet, moaning at his every touch.

I could feel my core pulsating. Chris didn't skimp on the foreplay, that was for sure.

He made his way down, taking the heels off my feet, never once breaking eye contact. He then fumbled with his belt, pulling his pants down his legs and tearing the shirt off his body; leaving us both in nothing but our underwear.

His tight Calvins hugged his manhood. How would he ever fit?

But I had no time to worry, before his mouth was on mine again; slowly sucking on my bottom lip, before pulling it between his teeth. Fuck, that was hot.

Chris hoisted me up, his erection rubbing against my wet core. He carried me towards the bedroom.

He kicked the door open, tossing me onto the bed and quickly climbing on top of me— his lips never once leaving mine. He flipped us around, positioning me on top of him.

"Wanna try something new, baby?" Chris mused, his voice raw and dripping with lust. I nodded eagerly, both anxious and excited for what was to come.

Chris sat up slightly, resting himself against the headboard and pulling me further onto his lap. He gently placed my legs on either side of his leg.

"Ride my thigh," he stated, causing me to blink back at him. He chuckled deeply, grabbing ahold of my hips.

"Like this, baby," he said softly, slowly rocking my hips back and forth against his thigh.

I moaned once my clothed cored rubbed against the fleshy part of his toned thigh.

"That feel good?" Chris smirked once I began jutting against his thigh at my own pace.

I nuzzled my head in his chest, moaning hoarsely in response.

"Just like that, baby girl," he cooed, his hand softly petting my head.

"Such a good girl," he praised, as I was clearly nearing my climax, my hips continued to rock back and forth against him.

He pushed my hair behind my shoulder, then tucked a stray piece behind my ear. His lips hovered just above my earlobe, before finally whispering "cum for daddy."

That was it for me, I grabbed onto his shoulder and rode out one of the most powerful orgasms I've ever had.

But Chris didn't stop there.

He flipped us over once again, pinning me beneath him on the soft mattress, his silver chain dangling just above my chin.

"You've made such a mess," Chris groaned, his fingers sliding over my core, my hips bucked into his hand once his fingers danced across my overly sensitive clit. 

Chris slowly pulled my panties down my legs, kissing along my stomach and thighs, and finally positioning himself between them.

He took each leg and placed them over his shoulders, admiring my glistening heat.

"C-Chris, I can't again... too sensitive," I stumbled over my words, my breathing still ragged from that previous mind-blowing orgasm.

Chris only smirked, tracing his finger along my core from my entrance to my clit. Once his finger reached the bundle of nerves, he gently pressed on it, applying just enough pressure to drive me insane.

"You can," he began, his finger circling it ever-so-softly.

"And you will," he finished, his mouth finally attaching to my clit and sucking harshly.

I swore I saw stars— galaxies, space, darkness—or something otherworldly. I couldn't even think properly, the sensation was far too much to handle. It was like the pleasure tore through me; latching onto every fibre of my being. Chris lapped, licked, and sucked in all the right places, while I desperately gripped onto the sheets.

My second orgasm was nearing and Chris could sense it even before I could. It fascinated me how he seemed to know exactly what I liked, what limits could be pushed, and when to do so. I certainly didn't think I could have back-to-back orgasms, but of course, Chris was able to get me there.

"Cum for me one more time, baby," Chris said from between my thighs. The look on his face, the lust in his eyes, the smoothness of his voice, sent me over the edge and brought my second orgasm of the evening.

Chris pulled himself up, cradling my tired body in his arms.

"You're such a good girl," he praised, his fingers running through my dampened and messy hair.

Once I had managed to steady my breathing, I peeled my eyelids open, glancing up at Chris, his arms securely wrapped around my body.

"What about you?" I asked, referring to the very noticeable tent in his boxers.

"I think you've had enough for one night, Molly," Chris grinned, a crimson blush sweeping across my cheeks.

"Get some sleep," Chris hummed softly, his fingers still running through my hair.

I didn't respond, he knew I'd already fallen asleep. He just held me, matching the steadiness of my breathing.

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