Coming back (Five)

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Disclaimer: I'm using Viktors name for this btw.

I heard a loud noise and a blue flash outside
my window. I paused before turning invisible, in case it was danger outside, before running downstairs.

I went out the door and the rest of my siblings were outside. There was a boy on the ground. He slowly go up and he was in a suit that looked to large for him.

When his face lifted up my jaw dropped. Five?

Let me rewind.

*Back to the day he disappeared*

Five walked to the door, not listening to father's words.

"Five!" I said getting up and running out.

Five and I were very close. And I don't mean as friends. He had told me he felt something for me. And I felt for him.

We did many things together. (You dirty minded ppl stfu) We snuck out a lot. We would go to Griddys, or just walk. Or in the middle of the night he would come to my room and we would talk.

He kept walking away from me faster, and faster.

"Five." I said catching up to him and grabbing his shoulder and pushing him to face me.

"Let me go." He said.

"Stop. Just go-" I started.

"No!" He said pushing my hand away.

I was a little shocked but this boy, this boy I was madly in love with, had anger issues.

"I don't need you to help me. I can do what I want. And I know how to do it. Just go back." He said raising his voice.

I started at him in shock.

"Five." I said.

"Go!" He yelled at me, making me flinch.

I watched as he turned back around and disappeared into the blue light.

And he didn't come back that night. Or the day after. Or the week after. Or month. Or year. He never came back.

Reginald seemed to have and interest in me after these events. He tested me more often. And as a result, he did something, I don't know what, but he did something to make me stay in my little 13 year old body.

I could turn invisible, read minds, create forcefields, create illusions, and I had telekinesis. Maybe because I had multiple powers.

*Back to present time*

I turned back to myself and stared. Tears in my eyes, and mouth open.

He looked up and immediately made eye contact with me. He was still 13.

"Y/n?" He said quietly.

I blinked the tears away and turned back invisible.

"Is it just me or is that little Five?" I heard Klaus ask as I walked away.

Once I got up to my room I slammed my door with my telekinesis and turned back.

I rubbed my temples. I can't do this. I can't face him.  Not after what he said to me the day he disappeared. Not after what he put me through. All the nights of crying. All the days I spent with my head on Klaus's or Ben's shoulder, crying.

I didn't notice the tears welling up in my eyes again. I heard a knock on my door and then Klaus's voice.

"Y/n/n, open the door." He said

I got up and opened it. There he stood with a frown on his face.

I opened my door wider so he could come in.

Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now