Yelled at (Five)

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Tw: Mention of drugs, my dad being dead (I thought it was funny ok) mention of killing

As Y/n entered her room with tears falling down her face and her hands shaking, she quickly searched for her phone.

She hated getting yelled at. Especially by her family. Especially by her dad.

(Losers my dad is dead.)

He scares her. No particular reason. He just scares her. Almost any larger male does. And she doesn't even like when people change their tone.

"Where is it?" She mumbled quietly.

She locked her door as she finally found her phone. She went over by her window and saw how heavy it rained.

She liked the rain. It always comforted her.

She didn't like storms though. The wind and lighting scared her a bit.

She's a bit sensitive you could say.

It was also pretty late.

2 A.M.

(Babes that's not late, that's early.)

Her parents weren't the best. They stayed up really late and had their druggy friends over.

(Mood frrr)

She wiped a tear as she looked for Fives contact.

Fives pov

I was doing equations when I heard my phone ring.

I wasn't really doing equations. I was lost in thought about Y/n. I miss her. She's my girlfriend, and I don't know how I got so lucky to have her.

Speaking of Y/n, she was calling me.

"Y/n?" I ask, answering the phone. "Why are you calling so late?"

"Um," I heard her say, her voice sounded broken. "can, come here. P-please? To my house. L-like spacial jump to my room?"

"Yeah," I say, not even bothering to ask why.

Third person

And in the blink of an eye he hung up and spacial jumped to her room.

He looked over and saw her by the window, her face tear stained and her eyes red.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked as he walked over to her.

She put her phone done and wrapped her arms around her, him hugging back.

Five never really liked hugs. He hated them even. When his siblings have tried to hug him, he spacial jumps away.

But when Y/n hugs him, he hugs back. He loved hugging her. The way her warm skin feels against his cold skin, she smells nice, and her hugs just feel different.

(Why tf am I writing like this? I'm just tired my bad pookie's. Yall need fed so I'm tryna help.)

"What happened, darling?" He asked again, his voice soft.

"He yelled at m-me." She said into his neck.

"Your dad?"


Five never really liked Y/n's parents. And he means that in the most polite way possible. But if Y/n gave him permission to kill her father, he would do it.

He's always been unfair and mean to her. He's always high or doing some type of drug. And her mom is never really there. God knows where she goes.

(Mood for my mom. Idk where she is half the time.)

"Wanna come to the Academy?" He asked her.

He knew he couldn't leave her here to cry with her hand over her mouth so she's not loud. She nodded and pulled away to grab some clothes.

She didn't grab too much because she knew she was going to take some of Fives.

She put on a hoodie and grabbed her phone and phone charger. Five spacial jumped them to his room.

"Thank you." Y/n said before sniffing.

"You're my girlfriend, I wanna keep you safe."

She changed into one of her pajama pants and Fives shirt. He found her insanely attractive.

He ended up stopping doing his equations and crawled in bed with her. He made sure to hold her close.

She feels safe with Five. Which might be a little weird, considering that he's an assassin.

"I love you." She said tiredly.

"I love you more, Y/n."


A/n: I am so fucking tired



I swear I'm half delusional

I can't fucking spell either.


Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now