Bonding Over Coffee (Five)

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Disclaimer: You're 16 and Five is 17.


I sat at Griddys bar. There was a boy beside me. He had brown hair that was parted to the side, deep green eyes, the sharpest jawline I had ever seen, and his expression was blank.

No, I'm not a creep for noticing these features. They were pretty obvious. His sharp jawline, and his green eyes seemed to stick out.

We both got the same order. Black coffee. Boy has good taste. (Not really, I think black coffee is disgusting.)

The waitress (who strangely, wasn't Anges.) came back with our coffee. I reached to my back pocket to pull out my wallet but I didn't feel anything. I tried the other but nothing.

"Shit." I mumble.

The boy next to me seemed to notice. I noticed him take a glance at me then pull out a twenty dollar bill.

"I got hers." He says before handing it to her.

"Thank you." I say, now facing him.


I sat beside a girl at Griddys. She had y/h/l y/h/c hair, y/e/c eyes, and she was staring off into space.

She was quite attractive, if I'm being honest. She looks around my age too. She also got black coffee, so she has good taste.

The waitress came back over with our coffee and the girl reached into her back pocket for her money, but her expression changed from blank to confused. She reached in the other pocket but nothing.

"Shit." I heard her mumble.

I pulled out a twenty dollar bill.

"I got hers." I said before handing it to her.

"Thank you." She said, now facing me.

I hate interacting with people. But I didn't mind talking to this girl.

"I'm Five." I say.

"Y/n." She responds.

I give her a slight smile before taking a drink of my coffee. She did the same.

"Do you like anything other than black coffee?" She asks suddenly.

I felt comfortable around her, and I didn't know why.

"Not really, you?"

"I like iced coffee. Preferably something with Carmel in it. I'm like obsessed with Carmel. Especially-" She rambles.

I was listening with a slight smile on my face. But she randomly stopped mid sentence.

"Sorry. I'm rambling." She says.

"No it's fine. Keep going." I say.

"You don't know what you're asking. I'm like really annoying sometimes." She says.


"I like iced coffee. Preferably something with Carmel in it. I'm like obsessed with Carmel. Especially-" I stop.

I remember how annoying I can be. I have a rambling problem, and I don't wanna scare this boy away.

"Sorry. I'm rambling." I say.

"No it's fine. Keep going." He says.

"You don't know what you're asking. I'm like really annoying sometimes." I say.

"I'm sure you're not." He says.

"No, I am. I could sit here and ramble about my love for Carmel. Which I don't think you particularly wanna hear." I say.

Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now