Dinner (Five)

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Tw: Eating disorder.

I sat at the table staring at my food. I haven't been hungry lately. I've chewed a lot of gum and drank a lot of water.

I didn't want to eat. But I never thought it would get this bad.

Five sat beside me and seemed to notice this.

We only get 3 meals a day and lately, I haven't been eating any of them. I guess he's been paying attention lately.

Five was my boyfriend. But only Ben and Klaus knew.

I felt tired and lightheaded but felt someone touch my hand.

I looked down and saw Five pass me a note.

We did this often at meal times. We weren't allowed to talk, so one of us always kept a pen on us and small pieces of paper so we can communicate.


Why aren't you eating?

I don't want to.

Well if you wanna live you have to eat.

I had a lot of water and  I ate food about 7 hours ago. I'm fine.

7? Y/n, that's too long.

Well too bad.


I crumbled up the note and sat there.

Five looked frustrated but continued eating.

*After dinner*

I walked up to my room after dinner and immediately fell onto my bed.

My breathing was a bit heavier but I sat up when I heard the familiar sound.

"Why didn't you eat? You didn't touch your food at all." He said.

"I'll be... fine."

My vision had little black dots going around and it was a little blurry.

I squinted and blinked trying to make my vision clear again.

"You're gonna faint Y/n. You need to eat."

"Well, too late." I said.

"God, you're lucky I love you." He said before spacial jumping away.

My eyes widened. We've never said 'I love you'.

I smiled and laid back down.

He appeared again with a small bowl of fruit.

"It's not much, but it's at least something." He said, handing it too me.

"Thanks." I said sitting up and grabbing it.

I stared down at it.

"Five I don't-" I started.

"Please. Just try. I'll help." He said sitting beside me.

He picked up a grape and held it, waiting for me to grab it.

I slowly took it out of his head and put it to my mouth, but paused.

I took a breath and put into my mouth.

I chewed slowly and swallowed it.

"Good job. Now try another one." He said.

"Ok." I replied quietly.

*Time skip bc I'm a lazy whore 🤭*

I stared down at the empty bowl. I finished it.

I smiled and looked at Five, who was smiling too.

"I'm proud of you." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

He pecked my lips and spacial jumped away.

I was a little confused but got up and sat the bowl on my desk.

He came back with his sleeping clothes on.

"I'm sleeping in here." He said spacial jumping to my bed.

I chuckled and grabbed my clothes.

"Stay turned around." I said.

"Yes ma'am." He replied.

After I changed I laid down with him.

My head was on his chest and I was sleepy.

"Hey Five." I said.


"I love you too."

Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now