Spanish (Five)

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Diego was helping me with knife throwing. I asked him to since he's so good at it you know. But Klaus bursted in.

"I have an idea!" He shouted.

"Oh God, what?" I ask.

"Since you know Spanish, you and Diego should talk to each other in it all day." He said.

"Ok, but what's the point of this?" Diego asked.

"Mainly because I thought it would annoy Five." He said.

I turned and looked at Diego.

"We are absolutely doing this." I say.

"Ok, starting now, talk Spanish." Klaus said.

"Sabes, nunca en mi vida excepto que Klaus nos pida que hagamos esto." Diego said.

(You know, never in my life would I expect Klaus to ask us to do this.)

"¿Yo se, verdad? Aleatorio. Pero quiero ver a Five volverse loco. Sonidos graciosos." I say.

(I know right? Random. But I want to see Five go crazy. Sounds funny.)

"Perfect!" Klaus says before clapping his hands.

"Let's go find Five now." He said before walking out with us following.

We walked into the living room and Five was talking to Viktor. He saw me and smiled.

"Hey love." He says.

"Hola." I say.

He just looks at me confused.

"Ok? Anyway, I was just about to come get you and ask if you wanted to go get ice cream." He says.

"Sí, he estado queriendo helado aquí últimamente."

(Yes, I've been wanting ice cream here lately.)

He just looks at me confused again.

"Ok, I know a little bit of Spanish, enough to know that "Sí" means yes. So let's go." He says getting up.

"Esto es muy gracioso." Diego says.

(This is hilarious."

"Yo se, verdad. De hecho, estoy muy feliz de que Klaus nos haya pedido que hagamos esto." I say.

(I know right. Im actually really happy Klaus asked us to do this.)

"Ok, actually what are you saying?" Five asked.

Klaus let out some giggles and Five turned to him.

"You did this." Five said.

"Absolutely! It's hilarious." Klaus said.

Five groaned and turned back to me.

"Let's go." He said grabbing my hand.

"Que te diviertas." Diego said.

(Have fun.)

"Voy a divertirme viendo a Cinco confundidos." I say.

(I am going to have fun, watching Five be confused.)

We walked out the door and me and him got in the car.

"Ok, why are you speaking Spanish?" He asked.

"Bueno, verás, Klaus nos puso a Diego y a mí en esto, y pensamos que sería divertido verte tan confundido. Así que aquí estamos ahora. Mirándote estar confundido." I say.

(Well, you see, Klaus put me and Diego up to it, and we thought it would be hilarious to see you so confused. So here we are now. Watching you be confused.)

He groans and tilts his head back.

"Eres realmente muy caliente. ¿Tú lo sabes?" I say.

(You're really really hot. You know that?)

That's when I realized, I can just rant about how much I love him all day without him understanding.

"I don't know what you're saying, but I hope it's not bad." He said before starting the car and driving.

I looked over at him.

"Podría mirar tus ojos verdes para siempre. Tu mandíbula es tan afilada que podría cortarme. Me encanta como cuando sonríes aparece tu hoyuelo. Honestamente, es tan lindo, y estoy locamente enamorado de ti." I say.

(I could stare into your green eyes forever. Your jawline is so sharp it could cut me. I love how when you smile your dimple appears. It's honestly so cute, and I'm just madly in love with you.)

He looks over at me.

"Those were a lot of words. What kind of ice cream do you want?" He asked.

"Chispas de chocolate con menta."

(Mint chocolate chip.)

"Ok, I heard the word chocolate, so, mint chocolate chip?" He asks.




*Time skip*

We went home and I was still speaking Spanish. Five was still confused. And Klaus was still finding this very entertaining.

"Diego, ¿podemos volver al entrenamiento con cuchillos?"

(Diego, can we go back to knife training?)

"Sí, toma tus cuchillos." Diego replied.

(Yeah, take your knives)

I nodded while Five groaned in frustration.

I chuckled a bit and got my knives.

*Time skip*

It was five minutes away from midnight. Five was still up trying to get me to speak English.

"Just speak English Y/n!" He yelled.

"Cinco, no puedo, o perderé una apuesta con Klaus."

(Five, I can't, or I'll lose a bet with Klaus)

He groaned.

Three more minutes.

"Solo espera tres minutos."

(Just wait three minutes )

He sighed sitting down.

"I give up. I knew I should've learned Spanish a long time ago."

One minute.

"Vamos, vamos, vamos." I repeated.

( Come on, come on, come on.)

The clock finally hit midnight and I sighed in relief.

"Thank God that's over." I say.

Five looks up at me.

"Finally!" He shouts as he stood up.

He hugged me and I hugged back.

"I can finally understand you." He says.

I smile and pull away.

"Klaus dared us to do this by the way." I say.

"I know."



Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now