Shitty Day (Five)

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I was on the verge of tears walking home. I had the worst day at school.

First, I didn't get to eat breakfast because I didn't like what they were having, second, I got my period in second period, and used my last bathroom pass, I forgot lunch money so I didn't get to eat lunch either, my best friend got sick and didn't come to school, I had terrible cramps all day, and when the day finally ended I was leaving and I got a text from my mom saying she wasn't gonna be home until next week. Because of a business trip. Not to mention, I got a C on my math test, which made me feel like a huge failure.

So here I am, walking to the second place the feels like home. The umbrella academy. My boyfriend lived there.

He always said I'm welcome there. I've been there so many times too, I don't even knock when I come in.

I opened the door and dropped my bag on the floor. I immediately walked upstairs to Fives room.

He was reading a book when I opened the door. He looked up confused but he smiled when he saw me. His smile dropped when he saw my tired expression.

I slipped my shoes off and walked over to his bed. I fell into it tiredly. He closed his book and sat up.

"Hey love, how was school?" He asked.

"Terrible." I say with glossy eyes.

I'm not one to cry, but I had a really shitty day and I'm just not ok.

I sat up and laid my head in his lap. He played my hair and looked down at me.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

I noded slightly.

"Go ahead darling, I'm listening." He said.

"So, I didn't get to eat breakfast, I got my period, used my last bathroom pass, got a C on my math test, didn't get to eat lunch, had terrible cramps, my best friend got sick and didn't come to school, and when I was leaving my mom texted me saying she wasn't home and won't be home for a week." I say.

A tear rolls down my face but Five wipes it away.

"Sit up love." He said.

I did as he said and faced him. He looked at me in the eyes.

"A C isn't that bad, you can stay here until your mom gets back, your period will go away soon, and we have chocolate, and Klaus who normally makes you laugh, your 2nd quarter is almost over so you should be fine on bathroom passes, I can make you something to eat, and your best friend will get better." He said.

I sighed. He was right. And I was hungry.

"Can we order pizza?" I ask.

He smiled and nodded.

"If that's what you want, I'll get it. For now, lay down and relax." He said.

I nodded as he got up. I laid down and got on my phone for a bit. It felt nice when Five took care of me.


A/n: Dude, I have so many drafts I need to finish 😭 So if you requested sum and it's not here yet, it's bc I'm working on other ones, BUT, I'm on a mission to finish them all 👍

Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now