The academy ghost (Five) P.t 4

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Tw: Dead body, mention of murder

"He's staying for some time?" Y/n said, frustrated as her and Five entered his room.

Five shut his door and Y/n sat down on his bed, disappointed.

She was mad. She was mad that he even mentioned her. She was mad that he was here.

So she was going to do something about it.

She stood up and began walking towards Fives door, but Five blocked it.

"Please don't do anything stupid." He said.

She didn't reply, just walked through him.

"God, I hate when you do that." He cringed.

She walked through the door and downstairs, Five following her.

"Y/n." He whispered. She didn't answer. "Please, N/n."

She stopped and looked at him. "Why shouldn't I go in there and rip his throat out?"

Five didn't have a good excuse.

"Do you know where your body is?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I see it?"

"That's fucking weird." She said.

"I didn't mean it like that." He said. "I just think I found a way to bring you back to life."

This caused her to laugh. "You're funny."

Fives expression was completely serious.

"Oh, shit," She stopped laughing. "you're serious?"

"Yeah." He shrugged. "I did some calculations and if I do it right, I could bring you back to life."

"Ok." She began to walk through the academy to the basement door.

She opens the door, quietly. She switches on the light and it turned on down the stairs. She went first.

She walked around before she found the hidden door in the wall. She took a breath before opening it.

There was her dead body, cold and pale.

"I can't get it." She said.

"I don't wanna touch it." Five said.

"Then how are you going to bring me to life?" She said, trying to get it him get it out. "You're going to be 78 and have a 13 year old ghost as a best friend. Do you really want that?"

He shook his head and grabbed her body. He set it on a table and backed up from it, wiping his hands on his shorts.

"I promise," Y/n said. "I looked way prettier than.. that."

Five nodded and looked at her body. He imagined her with more colored lips and her hair under more control.

His eyes found their way to the bullet wound in her stomach.

"How is it not decayed?" Five asks.

"It's so cold in the walls of the basement that it kept my body.. well, y'know."

Five nodded. "Tomorrow, I'll come down here and get to work."

"Wanna tell me how you plan to do this?"

"Nope. Just trust me."

She sighed. "Ok.."


A/n: I don't want any smart mfs coming up in here and telling me how long it actually takes for a body to decay.

Y'all stfu.

It's fake


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