I'm so sorry (Five)

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Tw: Abuse and mention of alcohol

I was sitting on the couch when Five blinked downstairs and grabbed his keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Love you." He said walking out the door and slamming it shut.

"Love you too?"

I know this man did not just say "love you" to me. I decided to brush it off as he was just stressed. But it still hurt.

I was worried about him but I didn't push him. I never did. It always just made things worse.

I grabbed my phone and texted him.

My pretty boy

Hey, ik ur probably stressed but please be careful. I love you and please don't come back too late <3



Okay, now I'm a little pissed off. He never leaves me on read.

I put my phone down and picked my book back up. I wanted to focus on my book but the feeling of worry kept eating at me.

*Time skip to 1 am*

I was reading the same three sentences over and over again. It was like I was reading it but I wasn't reading it.

It was really late and Five still hadn't came home. I was genuinely worried. What if something happened to him?

I heard the door slam open and I sat up and ran downstairs.

Fives hair was messed up and he had a bottle of alcohol in his hands. Now, this could go one of three ways. 1. He could be really clingy and cute. 2. He's gonna be funny as hell. 3. He's gonna be a rude asshole and start an argument.

I just hope it's not three.


"Hey, what happened?" I asked shutting the door.

"Nothing." He slurred.

"Ok, hey. Put the bottle down." I said trying to grab it from him, but he just pushes me away.

He tries to spacial jump to the couch but ends up on the floor.

"You don't spacial jump when you're drunk, Five." I said going over to help him up.

"Give me the bottle." I said now grabbing it.

"Give it back!" He yelled.

"No." I say setting it down.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"No where that concerns you." He said.

"Actually, it does concern me, because I care about you. And I'm your girlfriend."

"Just shut up about it." He said getting more frustrated.

"Five, just tell me."

"No." He said trying to walk away.

Aidan Gallagher x Fem Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now