The academy ghost (Five) P.t 5

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Tw: Mention of a gun, mention of killing

Then next few days were terrible. Y/n had to watch the children go through excruciating tests. But it was the hardest when she saw Five. He went through pain, and she couldn't do anything.

But Five was almost done with experiment. He could bring Y/n back to life.

Y/n still thought he was joking, because it seemed impossible.

But before she went back to her body, she wanted to have a chat with her dad. So, she walked to his office and went through the door.

"Cancer, huh?" She asked.

Timothy jumped and turned around to see his daughters misty shadow.

"Y-y/n?" He stuttered.

"Never thought you'd see me again, did you?" She walked towards him.

He backed up as much as he could, in fear of what she could do.

"How- how are you doing this?"

"Try being a ghost."

"Y/n.. what I did-"

"Save it." She scoffed at him, pure hatred in her voice. "I used to be your sweet little girl. I did one thing wrong and you killed me. Stuffed my body in a hole in the wall!"

"I was angry and scared."

"Scared?" Y/n said in disbelief. "Imagine how scared I was when you pulled out that gun. When you pointed it at me while I was crawling away from you on the cold basement ground. Bruises and scratches. Do you remember that, Timothy?"

"Y/n, please-"

"Get out of this fucking academy." She said. "Don't touch the rest of the children, and get out. Because if you don't, I might kill you." She shrugged. "I could now, if I wanted to."

Timothy nodded, terrified for his life.

(I'd like to say thank you to the 280 words here. Thanks for being here, you a real one 💪🏻)

"Good." She whispered before going through the wall, out of his sight.

She went up to Fives room, where he was pacing back and forth.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Having a small.." She paused. "chat with Timothy."

"I told you not to."

"I'm dead, Fives. I'll do what I want."

"I hate how stubborn you are." He sighed.

"But you love me."

He nodded slightly and walked over to his window. He saw Timothy leaving and Five furrowed his eyebrows. He was about to speak, but Y/n beat him to it.

"Yeah," She grinned. "that 'chat' was really a threat. But I didn't expect him to leave so quickly." She shrugged. "I guess I'm just good at what I do." She walked over to his bed and sat down. "Are you almost done with the experiment?"

"Yeah," He nodded. "go to the basement tonight and you'll see."


A/n: This actually isn't a terrible series

In my opinion

If you don't like it cool ig

Don't read it 🤷🏻‍♀️

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