Chapter 7 Ben, QUARANTINE

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After limping away for a while i notice the lurker gave up and probably decided to finish eating Adrian. Without any real destination in mind i continued walking without any clue to where i am at. I glance up at the fading sun, slowly losing hope. Will i even make it? I continue to limp through multiple trees, how did i even end up here? While listening to the birds fly from tree to tree i look around, cautiously watching out for another lurker. Sam would've loved being out here playing catch, not really Priscilla though. She isn't much of a nature person. Man..i miss them so much that it hurts. I'm quickly shaken out of my thoughts once i hear multiple cars honking. "Finally!" Despite the pain i jog towards the sound and climb up a hill of rocks to finally reach a road, blocked with multiple cars. Man traffic is horrible. While dusting some of the dirt off i notice military trucks pull up and take people in. Signs read "Military trucks will assist civilians and transport them to a safer area until the outbreak is under control" it seems they're blocking off every exit, forcing people to go to this "safer area". Honestly anywhere but here is safer but should i go? What if it's a scam or something? Great, more decisions. While military trucks continue to come and go the soldiers begin firing towards the area i came from. I quickly look over and notice a horde coming through, probably from too many people being in one area for too long. People begin to panic and shove each other through the cars towards the military trucks. I happened to get caught in the tidal wave of people, rushing for safety. "Hey! Watch it! Let go!" While struggling to fight against them i end up being yanked up into a military truck and pulled into the laps of startled people. I couldn't move because they shoved so many people together. I try to jump out of the truck but the car takes off and a woman grabs onto me, she assumed i was falling off. While the truck tires screech as they drive off i notice the horde spills through and attack some of the frazzled civilians. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

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